Loving Means Sharing Christ

To really love someone is to give them hope. Loving someone means sharing your source of true love with them, God who is love. How can we live someone shallowly and not love them spiritually. To put half an effort to smile or share something or give clothes means nothing unless you address their deepest need for hope only found in Christ. Love is deeper than a convenient sort of helping, it is sacrificially going out of your way and maybe even comfort to share Jesus’ gift of salvation with them. We all are called to do so. Everyone of us, not just the exception. All of us. That is revival. Praying and sharing.😃❤️


It amazes me how every Christian understands that if they do not refuel their car, it will stop running, however they forget that if they do not refuel your spirit with Bible reading, prayer and praise, we will stop running and burnout. Practically place refueling into your priorities. We cannot make it to the finish line- fast approaching- without it. We need to stay close to Jesus Christ.😃❤️

Call to Fast/Fasting Prayers

Tomorrow (Wednesdays), I will be fasting. I am again imploring all Christians to join me in prayer (all) and fasting if able. I generally post my usual fasting prayers so we are all on the same page. My heart has been heavy lately and I implore you all to pray with me as I will be praying these prayers:

1. Dear Heavenly Daddy, may your name be praised and revered in all the earth! May Your kingdom come and may Your will be done on Earth as it always is in Heaven. Please give us what we need today. Please forgive our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Please do not lead us into temptation and deliver us from the evil one. For everything good is Yours and from You.

2. Please forgive any sins I have committed, either knowingly or unknowingly. I freely and gladly forgive anyone who has sinned against me. Please also forgive my family’s sins and strengthen their faith.

3. We Christians need to humble ourselves and pray and seek Your face and turn from our wicked ways. Please help us to do these things right now so that You will hear us from Heaven and will forgive our sins and heal our land. I know we as a church have become too much like the world and we repent. We wish to please You more than we wish to please ourselves, and only You can satisfy our every longing anyway. We relent and resign to worship You.

4. Please bless and revive Your precious church all over the world. Hold us in Your precious loving arms. Draw us to You. Wash us clean by the blood of the Lamb and power of His resurrection and fill us fresh with the Holy Spirit.

5. Please unite our country under You and give our leaders wisdom, knowledge and understanding and lead them in Your truth and righteousness. Thank you for President Trump and other good leadership You have blessed us with- keep them safe and help them succeed. May those against You, Lord, be found out and punished and their plans not succeed. Bless our armies and forces for upholding justice and freedom and love to all. May we protect life and defund and stop abortion and all murder so you can bless us even more. Thank You that we support Israel, may it ever be so.

6. Please help our unsaved loved ones. Please soften their hearts toward You and help them to be humble and be saved. We know it is not Your will that any be lost and we are in agreement.

7. Please be with Israel also and may peace be fluent in Israel. Protect and save them from their enemies and guide their leaders. Help them to realize Jesus Christ is their Messiah. We love these people You love.

8. Thank You, dearest Lord, for all the blessings You provide us all the time. They are so many- You are so generous and I love You and praise Your great name! You alone are worthy of praise and worship and deserve every bit of it. I love You so much and put my will under Your will.

In Jesus Christ’s holy name we pray, Amen.❤

Old Enough to Know

I am old enough to know that I could be a grandma now and yet I am a momma to a 9 year old.

I am old enough to know that even if I live to be an old age of 80, she will be in her 40’s when she experiences the loss of me. And if the Lord takes me sooner, she will be all the younger.

So I am old enough to know that I need to prepare her to rely on God for comfort and herself for taking care of herself with God.

I am old enough to know that my greatest gift and provision possible for my children is to exemplify and teach and train them to draw close to God and have that relationship with the perfect Heavenly Father who loves them even more than I can.

I am old enough to know that now matters and eternity matters. So I will love my children by teaching and showing them a beautiful relationship with Christ and I will have done the best I possibly can for them and also for God.😄❤