When Searching the World

I have searched the world. I have met such a large diversity of unique people that I have loved all around the world. I have traveled and searched all over. Always looking. Always exploring. Always wondering what was next. I found I was searching for my identity, trying to see who I was like of my vast array of ingredients I am made of. Hungarian, French, English, Aboriginal American Indian, Swedish, German, Scotch- Irish, and much of my family living in Africa. Which part is me? Where do I fit in?

It struck me that I am unique. There is no one like me. No one that I am like. I am weird. And really, I am an exquisite coctail of all these brave and successful descendents but fully God’s special built me. And I fit in with Him and pretty much that is what really matters most. More than that I am loved deeply by Him, no matter what. So I don’t have to keep searching. There is no right fit. I am beautifully weird everywhere except in God’s arms.❤

When Travel Becomes Vacation Not Destination

Being an adventurous traveller most of my life since high school (and dabbling before that), travelling was the destination. Looking, searching for what different areas hold, what I was missing. I travelled through relationships that way too for a while but I digress. And I realized yesterday that I have arrived at my destination and all travel from now onward is done for vacations. I have found what I have searched for. It was not a physical location. It was not a person. It was a closeness to and healing from God. And I am complete and have arrived. I am content and incredibly happy. I am secure. In God first and then myself and my husband. There is now a fulfillment in the present, a new dawning of peace and calm and a bliss. I know this little girl is complete, no matter what happens to me. And I know my destination is heaven, far better than any place here, which must be incredible. God loves me with a sweet enduring unchanging love and fills and healed my brokenness. All the travel was searching for what He gave me as fast as He could without further damage. What an incredible God we have, so worthy of our everything. Now, I am absolutely brimming with Love and love is my home now.❤❤❤

The Words Heard Around the World

Friends from 74 countries have read my words this month. Which means my words have travelled much more than I have this year. Lol. It is beautiful, the power of the written word that connects and heals and moves beyond borders made by man. The word has power to go beyond boundaries we contrive and share thoughts and emotions to people we could not otherwise ever meet. What a wonder! That is why God wrote the Bible also. It has lasted all these centuries and still powerfully conveys truth in thought and emotion to everyone who can read or be read to. So fantastic are words. So utterly perfect. God bless you this New Year!!! May God’s Word recapture your heart and eye and may your words inspire you and those who read them.❤

Time Found

I thought I would have no time to write until the say after Christmas, but I have found some time all alone in the night as the house is quietly sleeping, and as always my brain is moving. So I write, as I am pushed to do by an internal unconditional encourager. And here is where my eclectic thoughts have taken me this evening… on divisions.

Having lived all over the world and travelled extensively whole being a social observer and participant, a learned doctor and a writer, I am qualified to say the following with authority… God made every single person in existence and we all have the same desire to be close to Him and be loved and joyful and peaceful. Often external things/distractions/wrongs serve to interfere in our life goal because God has an enemy (that willingly chose that horrible position) that wants us divided and eventually dead. I do not see color of skin. I do not see language barriers. I do not see religious barriers. I do not see monetary differentiations. I do not see power differences. I do not idolize anyone at all. Here me out, for here is the crux of the matter. Every person is made on purpose with love by God, who left fingerprints all over them. Every person has a shade of His glory and a desire to love their loving Creator God back. They often miss how to do this in the most effective way He wrote for us in thr Bible. But every person matters. A lot. As much as any other person on earth, no more or less. If we remember this, we see our common ground. When we have common ground, we are friends and family. Division becomes the foreign devil. Seperation becomes ridiculous, like a strange dream you are glad to have awaken from. And Christmas becomes a unifying event to celebrate our common heritage together. And that is distinctively beautiful. And perfect, most natural. ❤