Sinful Pleasures

Sinful Pleasures are purposefully provided and promoted and given with alluring lies and over – enhancing natural desires for a reason. The best case scenario, but still very damaging, is keeping us from being humble and contrite by feeding ego and pride over obedience so serving and worshipping is hindered or at least slowed. The worst case scenario the pleasurable (for the moment) sins lead us to destruction, whether jail time, marriage destruction, suicide or other body destruction, murder, cancers from stress or body abuse, abortion/murder of babies.

Sinful pleasures take our natural God-given desires and magnify them and lie enough to twist it to work at our destruction and tempt us to some form of separation from God our loving Creator. This is the danger. People call it “playing with fire” and that could not be more eternally true. Please beware and live simpler and holier so your eternity can be secure with God through Jesus. Pray humbly and ask Yahweh to help you. And He will.❤

Defeating Evil

We do not defeat evil.

Jesus Christ already did this. The work is finished.

We help remind evil of their defeat by praising and worshipping God and speaking truth.

This reminds evil of its defeat and it flees.

End of story.

Life is simpler than most people suspect.

The question is whose side are you on?❤

Implantable Chip

I just saw a very scary new technology demonstration about an implantable microchip that apparently some people already have implanted. This is the mark of the beast. They are selling it on safety and health and convenience. It is lies and a form of control. Do not take this chip. No matter the cost, do not have this implanted. Revelations has very bad things to say about it. Just a warning. The enemy is tricky and lies constantly. Say no to the chip and write our authorities and governmental representatives that we do not want this chip in America. Not my normal post but I was just made aware of it and object profoundly and must share it.

Detesting Evil

Evil is not good at all. There is no redeeming value in evil. It is not cute, funny, fun, interesting, mystical, magical, or valuable in any way at all. Flirting with evil is evil. Evil is dark, disturbing, ugly, grusome, and people genuinely kill and hurt other people for its master. Evil is horrifying, horrible, hideous. Celebrating any part of it supports it’s force and what it represents. Evil is destruction and violence, in direct opposition against the goodness of God. Not one iota of evil is in any way good or worth celebrating. It should be opposed at every turn. It should mortifying us. Evil should turn our stomachs. I say this truth to prove a point only and not to give evil more attention than it deserves. Our focus, rather, should be on God and His goodness, love, hope, salvation through Jesus Christ. This should be celebrated and praised all the time now and forever!❤