Tired of Waiting

I am waiting for heaven. I am not sure how to wait more gracefully, but God can guide me as I pray. I am needing His grace, His peace, His joy in this ever darker world. Evil is ramping up around us. I can feel it, we all can. It is ugly and I want to go home. Heaven is the home of all who n put their trust in Jesus Christ for their salvation and love and seek God then live for Him. Thank God for the Bible or we would not know what that looks like. Dear Lord, I know you are coming soon but are delaying out of grace to save as many as possible. Please help me help your cause in any way I can, please help me and my family and friends to be ready. I love you, Jesus!

The Day It Is

I live in the now. I remember the past very well with an excellent memory but do not live there. I plan for the future, God willing, and believe in being moderately prepared but I do not live there. I live in the now. Here. Right now. I live in the moment. Does that mean I don’t always pay attention to what I might be doing wrong that could cause something bad down some hypothetical road? Nope. Living now, right here, does not mean you are any more an idiot than someone always in the past or always in the future. See, it requires a great deal of faith to live right now and not worry about later. It takes a lot of forgiveness and God’s healing to not live in the past. But now, if I live right here and live life always conscientious of the way God wants me to live in love and truth, I am humbly walking with Him and can have a conversation with Him, all other distractions of past and future being limited. And right now is all we have at this moment. We can be closer to God if we use our minutes well and focus on Him and live life to the fullest in His arms and presence. Isn’t that the very best life we can live? I think so too. 🙂 

What if Jesus is Coming Back Very Soon?

I have seen a lot of YouTube videos on end times. I am sure everyone has. There is a tug at my spirit, though, that longs for Him to come but prays He delays so more can be saved, my family, my friends, even my enemies. But we have to be ready when He comes, no matter how long He delays in His grace and mercy for those dragging their spiritual behinds. Jesus is Coming soon, the question is how soon? And that is really just a secondary question.The first question is what do I need to do to be spiritually ready? That answer is why the Bible was written. We are to humble our hearts and souls before the Creator God and admit we are sinners (we are not perfect), believe Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection paid for our sins and accept His sacrifice for our sins. Then we pray all the time, we read the Bible, we find a good church that just lovingly preaches the truth of the Bible as is and do your best to live according to that Bible. Obey God. Focus on Him. Forgive everyone in your life who has wronged you, whether they asked or deserve it or not. Ask God’s forgiveness for every wrong you have done. Love and tell this plan to everyone you can. That is what to do to be ready. Focus, focus, focus. Even if it is years, you would never lose spiritually if you live this way. In fact, life would be greatly better this way. 🙂 ❤ 

Narcissists Should Change

Among us Earthlings, we have really good people who love their maker God. We also have these selfish souls who have decided they are their own best gods and must have made themselves and made everyone else to exist for their benefit. These people are called narcissists. Narcissists take and never give, much like entitled parasites. They demand but never give. They insist upon their way, their praises, our worship and give back only more demands and enough of whatever we desire to get their way and hot one drop more. They shapeshift to keep from being found out, they lie and coerce and manipulate and require praise and worship in return. They appear perfect and make every effort to be charming and delightful and put up such a great front that everyone insists this is an amazing person. The perception of them changes as soon as they reveal their true colors and cold heart and have drained their forced worshipers of their life and energy and moved on to greener pastures, better, younger, higher energy, undamaged, strong so they can eat well and feed their egos anew. And until these people humble themselves before God and acknowledge Him as the One who should be worshipped (until they are forced to their knees on judgment day and it is too late), they will only be as temporarily happy ad their next conquest and will never know truth and God’s peace and lasting joy. They will continue to terrorize and bully and play these immature games until they draw their last breath. Narcissists need to change. For their sake and the sake of all of society. Our beautiful world is more and more polluted by these creatures and good people are unapologetically hurt every day. If change is not executed and true change only Jesus can bring, these folks will be required to continue being their own God into eternity and be separated from the real powerful God of the universe. And I don’t wish that on anyone.