
Every woman, or person for that matter, wants security. It is one of those perceptions like control. They are both something which we can work to achieve, spending endless hours on planning and paperwork to verify we have it. But truth be told it can all change in a very bad day. And people I know are having very bad days a lot lately. Death, cancer, illness, car breaks down, refrigerator goes out, roof leaks, whatever it may be. All of things are reminders of the temporary-ness of the world.

In sharp contrast, when we place our security in the only Source of true, eternal security, namely Jesus Christ, we are secure. When we give Him control, He owns it and cares for us. And He is truly the only One who can. We are only as strong as our next tragedy but God has never, in all His years of creating and caring and loving, has lost one hint of power. And He has never stopped loving us. We have security in Jesus and not truly anywhere or anyone else. And I am content, peaceful, joyful and loved with that fact. It is good to know for sure. How I love Him!❤❤❤

Apathy: An End Times Sign

We are steeped in apathy in the world right now. This is a sign that the rapture will happen soon, maybe today maybe years from now, but the sign is present.

I was listening to Dr. David Jeremiah on Moody radio while going to my consult today. He was saying that “it would be as the says of Noah when Jesus comes to get those who are saved truly love Him” means people were busy doing their thing. This means they were apathetic to things of God and eternal things.

Isn’t this what is happening? People don’t seem to care unless it affects them personally. They aren’t going to church, aren’t fasting, aren’t praying, aren’t reading their Bible, are avoiding or scoffing at conversations about Jesus or denying Jesus is the only way to eternal life with God. It is prevalent worldwide. It is even prevalent in many churches and that is abominable.

So missions is becoming increasingly difficult because people don’t see the importance, don’t care. They want to get on social media to focus on themselves, talk about themselves, talk to hear themselves talk, buy things for themselves, improve themselves or look better with the least effort to themselves, pamper themselves, enlighten themselves, worship themselves, etc.

It is evident we are in line with the time and environment of the rapture and that is a big, important word. I really don’t want to be here through the tribulation. No one should want to be here. But far more importantly is the relationship I have with Jesus. He is my Savior, best friend, my everything and my life would still be empty without Him, full of joy and peace with Him. ❤ ❤ ❤

Never Insecure, Just Blinded (Faith)

When you take a step in the fog, it is an act of faith based on the security of pavement underneath you that will hold you up. You can’t always see it or doubt its ability to support your weight. The fog is just too thick at that moment. That is what faith is… trusting what you cannot see at that moment. And in the spiritual realm, that is the way of it. When we are secure in our salvation through Jesus Christ by accepting His security under us, we have faith that we are secure in Him even when we are blinded by a myriad of distractions around us. We are never insecure, never ever without God or His eternal security, no matter what other noise surrounds us. Faith is the key. Believe it no matter what we are seeing. Say it out loud. Believe it. Know it. We may not see our spiritual eternal security but it is there and will always be there. That empowers us to rest in God’s security and do our love work in appreciation and obedience. That is so cool!😄❤

God is in Control

Evil leaders may think they are in control. Billionaires may think they are in control. Popular people/celebrities/sports stars may think they are in control. Bullies may think they are in control. You name it. Give someone some power or money or fear and they think they have some kind of control. They plot evil, they promote agendas, they serve only themselves, they make themselves out to be God’s in flesh gracing us with their presence, expecting us to fear them, worship them, bow down to them. 

Truth: they are mistaken. God, the Holy One of Israel and Heavenly Father of true Christians everywhere is in control. He is King of kings and Lord of lords. God is the only opinion which truly matters and His truth is the only truth. God is still in control. Never be deceived. And those who are humbly His and who remain close and in prayer and Bible reading will be with Him someday sooner than it was yesterday. God is in control. Not only that, but He loves you passionately. Not lustfully but passionately, like enough to send His Son the die and resurrect for our purification from the filthy sins surrounding us or that were Inc us before salvation. So rest assured that God is in control, He lives you, His Word is truth and we will be with Him when He chooses. Stay close to Him and pray and read your Bible and do not worry or fear. God is in charge of all He has made. (Except your free will, that is on you, Heh gave you the right to choose life or death for eternity- choose wisely.) Never fear. Ever. ❤