Final Chapter of a Crazy Breakup

We returned, in a public location, the last of the belongings of my son’s ex-girlfriend’s family. Whew. This chapter is over. I hope. Breakups happen, usually for the best because not everything is properly aligned at the right time or with the wrong person under God’s plan for us. My son matured enough to realize they had no spiritual views or life goals in common. You would have thought he tried to kill her how her mom over-reacted and defamed us both, even to my work and all my son’s friends. Be very careful these days, people are crazy. But if she had not been crazy, perhaps they would have kept trying to make it work but she (the mom) solidified the breakup solidly. So you never know how God will answer your prayer, but He will. Keep praying.

I feel blessed he is on the right track and happily single and doing schoolwork and catching up with friends and I praise God we are on to a brighter future and now with the Lord. Praise God for this crazy breakup and may we no longer need the family lawyer we retained! Praise God for answered prayer!😃❤️

Busy Week, Take A Break

We sometimes need a breather, a break in the day. Just take some of that time to pray, read a verse of rest or encouragement, sing a quick praise song in your car, revive and refuel your soul and spirit. Then everything is easier, lighter, better.😃❤️

Only Two More Months!

Crazy. Juggling two sports, school, dog, husband, band practice and gigs, church, community group, mom, family visiting, cooking for men’s breakfast, consulting work as needed and taking care of the house/cooking, car shopping for a cheap car my son can afford, etc., I am about worn out. I also now have a cavity and possibly skin cancer on my cheek and have to figure out how to handle that with no insurance and my husband is sick. Just two more months- and I am counting down- until sports seasons are over. Then I can clean my house and feel human again and have more time to refuel in the Word. I need to refuel. Spring break is next week and I am excited to catch up a little and rest a lot. That will be my Sabbath week. Praise God for it!! Please pray for my cheek and tooth and money for everything. God always provides and He is so very good!! So looking forward to resting in His love and care! 😃❤️

Honored to Have Broken

I have long known the bit about God using the broken beautifully. I have lived it. But in my case, it was my choice to be broken. How so? God wanted me because my Grandmas and Aunts were praying for Him to want me and I was proud and rebellious. I would not humble my heart to God with any of His many gentle nudges. So I had to be broken to have a chance to be humbled. God loved me enough and answered their prayers enough to break me to save my soul. I am excessively thankful and God can break me anytime I need it. I choose to stay humble, though, because I see it’s value. I realize you cannot have a relationship with God puffed up with pride. If broken gets you humble, be thankful for the broken. If broken does not lead to humble, it is wasted and may need to be repeated. Accept the lesson for it means you are loved enough to endure some temporary earthly pain to gain eternal glory. Someone is praying for God to draw close to you. Be thankful. Choose truly humble of heart to draw close to God who can make everything better inside- peace and joy and all.😄❤