Final Chapter of a Crazy Breakup

We returned, in a public location, the last of the belongings of my son’s ex-girlfriend’s family. Whew. This chapter is over. I hope. Breakups happen, usually for the best because not everything is properly aligned at the right time or with the wrong person under God’s plan for us. My son matured enough to realize they had no spiritual views or life goals in common. You would have thought he tried to kill her how her mom over-reacted and defamed us both, even to my work and all my son’s friends. Be very careful these days, people are crazy. But if she had not been crazy, perhaps they would have kept trying to make it work but she (the mom) solidified the breakup solidly. So you never know how God will answer your prayer, but He will. Keep praying.

I feel blessed he is on the right track and happily single and doing schoolwork and catching up with friends and I praise God we are on to a brighter future and now with the Lord. Praise God for this crazy breakup and may we no longer need the family lawyer we retained! Praise God for answered prayer!😃❤️


My mom is a professional on grief. She is a family counsellor and social worker, with a Master of Science in both, and spend a great deal of time kind of specializing on grief. She has taught me a lot about grief though the years, but actually losing people I loved, especially losing my daddy, taught me more. And I have a brother and sister in Christ who are actively grieving. (My mom will be starting a grief support group at our church soon.)

One thing I know is that grief hits hard at the weirdest times. And you will grieve, whether you want to or not. Also, if you don’t work through the grief, you and those closest to you will suffer for way linger than if you work through it.

Most of my working through grief actually happened with intense Bible reading and study and memorization and deep prayers and the Holy Spirit comforting me as I cried out and for me made a quilt. I imagine everyone has to find their own way and God helps. Maybe it was not professionally done, but I personally believe God is the Great Physician and heals better than anyone else and would rather invest in Him than anyone else.

What I would share is that there is hope! There is hope you will get through it with God with you. But know that you do have to bite the bullet and work through grief or your body and soul will grieve in ugly ways for a very long time. Better to have a say in it for your sake and tgose close to you. It is a process and looks different on everyone. 😃❤️

A New Day

Every day we are still alive is a brand new day, a new opportunity to be better- to read the Bible, to forgive someone, to pray to God, to worship God, to praise God, to serve God and others, to actively love. A new day is a new opportunity for improvement. So precious! Praise God!😃❤️

Flower Lesson

We can learn from flowers. We drink deeply from the minerals and water from our roots in Jesus and His Word with prayer. When we drink enough from these sources, only then do we grow and bloom and open up into a beautiful flower that encourages and enriches other people’s lives and shows God’s glory.😃❤️