Gearing Up to Work

It has been a while since I worked an actual job. Evrn part time, this will start rusty and I am mentally preparing for it. I also will need to brush up on my studies to be prepared. I also am changing my sleep schedule to go to bed early and get up early (tonight is an exception because Wednesday is a late church night). In addition, I am eating a bit less and healthier so I have more energy to be on my feet 6 hours a day. Once I have a couple paychecks, I will invest in work clothes and shoes. All this is preparation for the day I start working again.

Got me thinking of other preparation we are and need to be doing to prepare for a much more important day… the day I start one knows when that will be, whether an auto accident tomorrow or many years later in the rapture or Christ’s return. We need to every day put as much energy into preparing for eternity than we ever do for preparing for anything else. That means prayer, praise, worship, reading Bible, participating in church, serving others, building faith in God, loving God and others, etc. Prepare for what matters most.😃❤️

Days of Praise

The more evil pushes against us, the more we need to focus on God and praise and worship, pray and thank Him. When the world’s darkness increases, we need all the more to focus on the light of the world, Who is Jesus and His Word, and emulate His light and carry it with us wherever we go. We are never alone or without hope. Focus on God!😃❤️

Rising Above the Ugly in People

Part of rising above the ugly in people is knowing that yes, they made the decision to accept the ugly into their lives and that is what we need to forgive, but more than that, our real fight is with the ugly and not the person. “Our fight is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers and powers and forces of this world’s darkness.” And remembering that is the key. When you do remember that, you can forgive the person and pray appropriately over the ugly. Then we have the proper perspective, draw closer to God and reflect His light in our lives. And that is it. Not magic, just applying our knowledge and again humbly staying close to God.😄❤

Walking a Tightrope

When we feel like we are walking a Tightrope through life, we miss the point. When trying to wrestle with making the masses happy, balancing time with our kids and spouse, figure out how much time our work should take and then a complexity added of how spiritual to be and when and how to do right and not wrong and when to say what and when to not talk, the tightrope under our feet gets skinnier and the distance beneath us is greater to fall.

And people fall from it all the time. People, sadly, believe that is all there is and lose hope and fall. And that is the saddest thing ever because they have clearly missed the point. And maybe that is why we weird big picture people exist, to remind you of the big picture.

Sure, we are weird. I own that and have never cared what people thought of me because of the big picture thing. Yes, I miss a lot of the details so I miss a lot, but here is the thing. I am good at at least one thing, seeing and showing the big picture. And here it is. This is huge and if you grasp it, your tightrope will suddenly turn into a wide bridge over a trench.

Accepting Jesus Christ as Savior is all about grace and putting God first.

If you really embrace that, your life will instantly be brighter and load lighter. Guilt loads will dump off to God’s forgiveness. Loneliness will disappear because God comforts and fills you up with thr Holy Spirit, a constant companion with warm arms and power when needs be. And balancing everything becomes easy as He gives abundant wisdom when we put Him first. And reading thr Bible and praying keeps our connection to God strong and bonds the relationship so peace and joy is forever right there no matter what.

No need to walk a tightrope, just need to see the big picture and embrace it. Then wow, that grace takes over and perfection is no longer required, just devotion. Wow! Freedom! Hope!😄❤