End of Another PE Season

Today was our closing ceremony and field day for homeschool PE. My kids were involved in classes and I coached 2nd and 3rd grades. My goal was to teach my kids teamwork, teach sports (we learned and played a different sport every month), encourage each other, recognize and value strengths and weaknesses, be healthy, stretch properly, buikd confidence that God made each of us on purpose with love, and hopefully promote friendships. And I succeeded in my goals and feel great about that. And it has been a sincere commitment and consumed a fair amount of time, but that being said, I will miss my kids over the summer. Some kids will move on to 4th and 5th grades. I will have some again and meet more, should we decided I coach again next fall. We will see. And who knows, we may be rapture by then. But any way it goes, I have loved my kids and appreciated them each and I hope they value the lessons learned through their years. They have many journeys ahead and I sure do hope they stay with the Lord through them all to be as spiritually successful as any other success in their lives and that failures are short lived and produce much fruit. 😄❤

Friend of Faith is Foe of Fear

Faith and fear are polar opposites. When one increases, the other decreases. One (faith) is from God and one (fear) is very very not. And fear is the cause of worry. So worry is also the opposite of faith. And I hear Christians say they worry about this and that. The sin of worry and fear is focusing on the problem and not God who gives faith and can conquer quite literally any battle before you. When we worry or fear, we call God inadequate to help us. We are not relying on God in faith. So to build faith, which should be our goal, we humbly pray and release the problem to God, who can handle it. Keep doing this. And repeat. Every good thing comes from exercise and practice. Exercise faith in God and it will grow. He is the answer.❤❤❤

Skating for Exercise

Had a night put with my babies tonight skating. We had so much fun! After two nights’ work and practice and pep talks, my daughter is now skating on her own and having a fantastic time. That means we can all skate for fun and exercise now! I am proud of her conquering her fear. And I am happy for us all that we can exercise together and enjoy that bonding time. It is a cheap date too… $2-$3 a night each. Super cool.❤

Working Hard for Fun

I tell you what. Losing 22 pounds the healthy way in just 2 months really dumps a ton of energy into your body. I am getting g things done and caught up that were so behind in my larger, unhealthy, still coming out of depression days. I hadn’t realized how much I had let go of, just not doing it, not paying attention. Since losing the weight and still working on losing more to get to a “normal” weight for my ridiculously short height, I am working on putting in the fence, catching up on yard maintenance, mowing, spring cleaning, reorganizing, rearranging the kids’ rooms to make more sense, reading, keeping up with cooking and cleaning, doing dishes, subbing the outdoor front patio, practicing my piano, catching up with old friends I love but have neglected, oh so many things! And I am not worn out, my back doesn’t hurt, my knees are fine, no pain anywhere, and I am looking for and finding things to do for fun and productivity. I love this. I am working for God and love the energy and help losing weight He is giving me. God is so very good and holds us well. ❤