When a “Gift” isn’t a Gift

A “gift” is not a gift when there are strings attached or they want it back if expectations are not met, no matter how irrational. A true gift is given out of love and pure motives. Jesus gave us the ultimate gift, paying for us the debt we owed. His gift cost more than any gift could, His life. His gift shows us how to give- fully, sacrificial, and out of love. We need to give like that and stop trying to control outcomes. Let’s just give and love like that.😃❤️

May Faire!

Every year we go to May Faire on Mother’s Day weekend. It is beautiful. Aroun a lake. Hundreds of different forms of art are set up to look at (or buy for large sums of money). It is always inspiring to see the glory of God through the art of different souls He created. So look forward to it every year! Also, this Mother’s Day weekend was more special because my husband got me this:

Wow! God has and is blessing me so richly. Praise God!!!😃❤️

Final Chapter of a Crazy Breakup

We returned, in a public location, the last of the belongings of my son’s ex-girlfriend’s family. Whew. This chapter is over. I hope. Breakups happen, usually for the best because not everything is properly aligned at the right time or with the wrong person under God’s plan for us. My son matured enough to realize they had no spiritual views or life goals in common. You would have thought he tried to kill her how her mom over-reacted and defamed us both, even to my work and all my son’s friends. Be very careful these days, people are crazy. But if she had not been crazy, perhaps they would have kept trying to make it work but she (the mom) solidified the breakup solidly. So you never know how God will answer your prayer, but He will. Keep praying.

I feel blessed he is on the right track and happily single and doing schoolwork and catching up with friends and I praise God we are on to a brighter future and now with the Lord. Praise God for this crazy breakup and may we no longer need the family lawyer we retained! Praise God for answered prayer!😃❤️

Loving Means Sharing Christ

To really love someone is to give them hope. Loving someone means sharing your source of true love with them, God who is love. How can we live someone shallowly and not love them spiritually. To put half an effort to smile or share something or give clothes means nothing unless you address their deepest need for hope only found in Christ. Love is deeper than a convenient sort of helping, it is sacrificially going out of your way and maybe even comfort to share Jesus’ gift of salvation with them. We all are called to do so. Everyone of us, not just the exception. All of us. That is revival. Praying and sharing.😃❤️