Fasting Prayers

Posted originally on September 9, 2018

I will be praying and fasting tomorrow. I implore any of you friends who really love the Lord to join me. And if you cannot fast for some reason, please pray with me during meal times. So we are on the same page, my prayers will be:

1. Please purify my soul and my family’s soul and wash us clean by the blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ. Please forgive our sins and renew our strength and purity with the Holy Spirit so we may be in your presence and pray and fast today.

2. The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6), with emphasis on “Please, dear Lord, may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

3. Please may Your prayer warriors be strengthened and focused to pray and fast for your good to triumph over the enemies’ evil.

4. Please protect and strengthen our President Trump and all those officials doing good and please give them wisdom, knowledge, understanding and favor with You and man. May those who have done evil be caught and prosecuted and be found guilty and punished to the fullest extent of the law. Please allow this to change their hearts to repentance and salvation.

5. Please help our country defund and abolish abortion and injustice so you will forgive and bless our country as a whole. Please provide for and help the orphans and widows. Let us not pass by our brothers and sisters unmoved but help them with Your love and empathy, knowing You adopted us as well and provide for us.

6. Please allow people to be released from their addictions to tech and social media/phones and pleasure addictions which have become their idols. Please release and help them so they are ready when you come soon for your church.

7. Please purify your church and strengthen her to prayer and fasting and worship together. Destroy the evil within her and cast out demons who have infiltrated. Help your church to remember her job of missions, winning souls for your kingdom, worshipping You. Please help and strengthen and bless Your persecuted church around the world.

8. Please save as many as you can from the clutches of Satan and soften their hearts to Jesus Christ as their Lord for their eternal soul’s sake.

9. Please strengthen and heal my friends and family for prayer and prepare their hearts and souls for your coming.

10. Please keep the demons and evil ones who have chosen to worship them from being effective in the evil they want to do. Stop their plans, dear Lord, and protect us. May all the evil plans come to ruin and be hindered and useless and may You, Lord, and Your angels win every battle.

11. We love and pray for Israel. We pray for her peace and that the Jews will realize that Jesus is their Messiah and be saved. Praise be the God of Israel. Please bless her.

12. We worship you, dear Jesus. We give you praise, honor due you and adore your glory. You are worthy of all our love and adoration and worship. You are holy and true.

In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.❤❤❤

Call to Fast/Fasting Prayers

Tomorrow (Wednesdays), I will be fasting. I am again imploring all Christians to join me in prayer (all) and fasting if able. I generally post my usual fasting prayers so we are all on the same page. My heart has been heavy lately and I implore you all to pray with me as I will be praying these prayers:

1. Dear Heavenly Daddy, may your name be praised and revered in all the earth! May Your kingdom come and may Your will be done on Earth as it always is in Heaven. Please give us what we need today. Please forgive our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Please do not lead us into temptation and deliver us from the evil one. For everything good is Yours and from You.

2. Please forgive any sins I have committed, either knowingly or unknowingly. I freely and gladly forgive anyone who has sinned against me. Please also forgive my family’s sins and strengthen their faith.

3. We Christians need to humble ourselves and pray and seek Your face and turn from our wicked ways. Please help us to do these things right now so that You will hear us from Heaven and will forgive our sins and heal our land. I know we as a church have become too much like the world and we repent. We wish to please You more than we wish to please ourselves, and only You can satisfy our every longing anyway. We relent and resign to worship You.

4. Please bless and revive Your precious church all over the world. Hold us in Your precious loving arms. Draw us to You. Wash us clean by the blood of the Lamb and power of His resurrection and fill us fresh with the Holy Spirit.

5. Please unite our country under You and give our leaders wisdom, knowledge and understanding and lead them in Your truth and righteousness. Thank you for President Trump and other good leadership You have blessed us with- keep them safe and help them succeed. May those against You, Lord, be found out and punished and their plans not succeed. Bless our armies and forces for upholding justice and freedom and love to all. May we protect life and defund and stop abortion and all murder so you can bless us even more. Thank You that we support Israel, may it ever be so.

6. Please help our unsaved loved ones. Please soften their hearts toward You and help them to be humble and be saved. We know it is not Your will that any be lost and we are in agreement.

7. Please be with Israel also and may peace be fluent in Israel. Protect and save them from their enemies and guide their leaders. Help them to realize Jesus Christ is their Messiah. We love these people You love.

8. Thank You, dearest Lord, for all the blessings You provide us all the time. They are so many- You are so generous and I love You and praise Your great name! You alone are worthy of praise and worship and deserve every bit of it. I love You so much and put my will under Your will.

In Jesus Christ’s holy name we pray, Amen.❤

Call to Fast with Fasting Prayers

Tomorrow (Wednesdays), I will be fasting and praying for the church, the unsaved, our country and leadership, revival and awakening. Please join me in fasting (if medically able) and prayer tomorrow. Thank you and may God bless and keep us and may we be ready for Him when He returns!❤

1. Please purify my soul and my family’s soul and wash us clean by the blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ. Please forgive our sins and renew our strength and purity with the Holy Spirit so we may be in your presence and pray and fast today.

2. The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6), with emphasis on “Please, dear Lord, may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

3. Please may Your prayer warriors be strengthened and focused to pray and fast for your good to triumph over the enemies’ evil.

4. Please protect and strengthen our President Trump and all those officials doing good and please give them wisdom, knowledge, understanding and favor with You and man. May those who have done evil be caught and prosecuted and be found guilty and punished to the fullest extent of the law. Please allow this to change their hearts to repentance and salvation.

5. Please help our country defund and abolish abortion and injustice so you will forgive and bless our country as a whole. Please provide for and help the orphans and widows. Let us not pass by our brothers and sisters unmoved but help them with Your love and empathy, knowing You adopted us as well and provide for us.

6. Please allow people to be released from their addictions to tech and social media/phones and pleasure addictions which have become their idols. Please release and help them so they are ready when you come soon for your church.

7. Please purify your church and strengthen her to prayer and fasting and worship together. Destroy the evil within her and cast out demons who have infiltrated. Help your church to remember her job of missions, winning souls for your kingdom, worshipping You. Please help and strengthen and bless Your persecuted church around the world.

8. Please save as many as you can from the clutches of Satan and soften their hearts to Jesus Christ as their Lord for their eternal soul’s sake.

9. Please strengthen and heal my friends and family for prayer and prepare their hearts and souls for your coming.

10. Please keep the demons and evil ones who have chosen to worship them from being effective in the evil they want to do. Stop their plans, dear Lord, and protect us. May all the evil plans come to ruin and be hindered and useless and may You, Lord, and Your angels win every battle.

11. We love and pray for Israel. We pray for her peace and that the Jews will realize that Jesus is their Messiah and be saved. Praise be the God of Israel. Please bless her.

12. We worship you, dear Jesus. We give you praise, honor due you and adore your glory. You are worthy of all our love and adoration and worship. You are holy and true.

In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.❤❤❤

Fasting Prayer Change

So tomorrow (Wednesday) I will be fasting as usual. All of you who love God and obey Him, please pray with me and fast if at all possible. I know some cannot, but those who can, please do.

I usually post the prayers I will be praying so we are one in our prayers. I want to change things a bit. The world seems to be incredibly out of sync right now and rather chaotic. It feels different to me. And I want us to pray a different prayer for the day. I want us to pray along these lines…

“Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you humbly. I ask you to forgive my sins that I know about and those I don’t. Please wash me clean by the blood of Jesus and the power of His resurrection and fill me anew with the Holy Spirit. I seek Your face. There is a chaotic spirit and principalities in the world right now all over the world. We are praying to you against this. We are fasting (if possible) and praying (everyone) for You, Holy Father, to come against these principalities and spirits of chaos in our countries all over the world. Those who are doing good and spreading the truth are being attacked openly right now. We pray for their protection. We pray that those attacking them and those full of lies and greed to be seen as such. I pray those operating in evil to be found out and punished and them to change their hearts to see their need for salvation. You want everyone to be saved. So I pray that Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven and that Your name will be praised in all the earth. Please draw us close and deepen our relationship with You. Please change and soften our hearts to forgive and love people and see them as you do. Heal those sick, especially those spiritually sick. And bless our good leaders and keep them good and punish the evil leaders and change them to good. And we believe You love us, will help us and have already answered this prayer. And I praise You, perfect Lord, for You are never surprised, all powerful and so very good! Love you so much, Daddy! In Jesus’ glorious name, Amen.”

Thank you so much for honoring the Lord in this way and praise be to God!!😄❤❤❤