Never Alone

We may feel alone but feelings are very often wrong. Feelings depend on what happens, the circumstances surrounding it, past experiences, past or present trauma, how well you slept, hunger leves, hormonap balance or lack thereof, upbringing, etc. The list is endless which is why the devil has successfully launched a marketing campaign to ‘follow your heart”, “do what makes you happy”, “trust how you feel”, “do what feels right to you” and so on. Christians hVe even fallen for this bad advice. It is thr opposite of God’s true Word. God says to trust in Him, study the Word of God to show ypurself approved, a workman who needs not be ashamed, rightly divising the Word of Truth. We are to tame our feelings and even hold every thought and word captive for inspection before we act on it. Feelings are stupid and fleeting. God and His Word is consistent forever and True uncontestibly.😃❤️

Bandages in Recovery

Ending my addiction was a great gift of mercy and grace from God. I was blessed in my life to have loving people who prayed for me regularly and God answered their faithful prayers. I feel it is a gift every day to be in recovery.

However, it is not easy. I made tons of messes along the way while I was busy being a selfish addict- which all addicts are- and bandages have to be ready to apply all the time. God forgave me and I have recently also forgiven me. But, I made many bad choices that people are not so easy to forgive because they seriously hurt them. I have to try to heal relationships with my kids for one. I have given them years of bad parenting- I did my best and tried to love them but was a secret selfish addict and that always affects innocent children for years. Trying to do my best now is hard because I am not sure how to do all this while feeling everything. I have come a long way but have very far to go. I need a lot of bandaids ready at a moment’s notice and hope and am praying that my kids don’t take up addictions to temporarily mask their pain. They never last long and God is a much better, healing choice for true freedom.

I have to give myself grace while feeling very alone. My saving grace is having a relationship with the Lord. I trust Him and He takes care of me. I am trying to figure out how to do things. So I keep putting on bandaids and pray for God’s deep healing in their lives and mine as we keep going in recovery. Praise God! I am so thankful to be in recovery! God is so good!😃❤️

People I Love

There are people I will love forever.

There are people that I will never like

But these people I still love.

There are people I will never see again

But loving them is a constant companion.

There are people I love that do not know

Because they didn’t realize their impact

And how their words or deeds uplifted me.

There are people I love that don’t love Jesus

And reject Him as their Savior

And that breaks my heart for them

For my love wants them forever in heaven.

There are people I love I consider every day

And I just pray for them because that is all I can do

I will never see or speak to them again.

There are people who love me, but not many.

Although I love deeply, I don’t present it.

I keep it inside, not for fear or any bad thing

But to keep from being overwhelmed by it all.

There are many people that I love, some deeply.

And I continue to pray. I will always pray.❤