Why Pornography Hurts Marriages

Pornography is not innocent fun. It hurts relationships and here is how, from a Christian wife’s perspective.

1. Trust is blown. The adulterer (person engaging in porn) has committed an adultery against his/her spouse. This has been done against the spouse’s back most of the time and been lied about. This tears down a trust wall pretty quickly.

2. It makes the spouse look bad/be easily disrespected because the spouse engaging in porn is viewed by the spouse as a self-control-less dog, some animal that can’t even control the sexual urges enough to keep sex between them only.

3. The spouse engaging in porn is dishonoring his/her spouse but the implied message that he/she is not enough to satisfy them, not airbrushed and misproportioned like those viewed, not unnatural enough, not good enough, not worth honoring with faithfulness.

4. The spouse engaging in porn develops a perverted and incorrect view of sex and becomes more and more difficult to make love (big difference) to their spouse. The plastic bimbos for hire are sex slaves and intimacy suffers enormously with the spouse who is not a sex slave but was designed to be so much more.

5. God is dishonored. This is the most important problem with porn. God is dishonored because you are saying by engaging in porn that what He says is irrelevant and unimportant and that disobedience and disrespect cannot help but separate you from a joyful prayer life and close relationship with God and if not repented from can cost you much more in eternity.

There are other reasons porn is sin and horrible for relationships, but these are the main ones I have found to be true and why couples should seek help if engaging in porn has become a habit (addiction illness) or if it has created a rift in the relationship. And God is only ever a humble prayer away to help also. ❤

Elderly Contributions

The elder people of my life are my foundation, my backbone, my sweet spot. My grandmother was an amazing nurse and missionary. She told me later she struggled with school, she was not naturally intelligent that way. Nor did she know tons of stuff about tons of stuff. I never knew that his at all n until she had that his old me much later in life. What do I remember about my invaluable time with her? She loved Jesus. And she knew old songs from Texas I did not otherwise learn. She loved art and music and learning and she sure loved her family and me. That is my memory of her. Not her brilliance but her love and passion for Jesus and family. My other grandma was also hard working but a farmer’s wife. From her, I remember etiquette, good posture, cleanliness, work ethic, warmth, love of family and God, composure, respect, natural remedies to about anything. I do not ever remember what she was not but truly appreciated all that she was. From Beulah Barnett, an elderly widow I sat with sometimes, I learned shading and art for she had been an artist. I remember affirming smiles and encouragement from older people from the church. From both grandpas, I learned laughter and music and love of God. As my dad aged, I learned the importance of time spent just talking. The elderly people of my life made my life rich. I was so blessed to a have them. I would not be who I am without them. So if you feel you have little to offer tech-addicted people, think again and just offer who you are. You are invaluable as an elder. And those who are not elders, get off your worthless tech and take some time with an elder person today. It is much more important and truly invaluable to your character development. 

Twisted Workings

I see around me women working and men often bumbing off of them. Women ruling and men being ruled. Women then having their babies and taking care of them financially and in every way then guys leaving or cheating then leaving because they aren’t getting what they feel they deserved. Even worse, they get kicked out of their current location with the new girl sponsor and move back in with their kid’s mom, the first girl, and getting back with her. And the cycle continues. I saw this recently in someone I thought was a friend. Wow, what an eye opener. This. Is. Wrong. Let me say it again, it is wrong. It is horrible for the kids, horrible for the adults, horrible for all the mistresses who believe the lies, horrible sins against God and humanity. It is hideous, atrocious, and I needed to voice this injustice to the world and demand better behavior from people in society. Pick a spouse and be satisfied with that spouse. Love them. Pour into them. Men, take care of your family, work for God’s sake and take care of them. Stay with and raise your child. Life isn’t just about you. There are many others out there, you Andre not special. The way to be special is to settle down, raise a family, bond with them, take them to church, get close to God, stay with and stand by God and your family, this is how to be a good man. Women, shut up and let them be men they need to be. Encourage them, help them meet good goals for you all, be okay with supportive loving wife. Respect him. Get people out of your lives that do not support your family as a whole. My rant is through. My anger is diminished. Please be good and want right, people. Jesus is Coming soon, no one knows exactly when so be ready. God bless you!

Feminism & Roles

This topic is hot and important as so many women are impacted daily with the effects of feminism and anti-faminism nowadays. We see it all the time and it sickens me. I am just a little girl but I have a big voice and a bigger God. Here is my humble opinion: 

Being 43, and born into a farming Christian family in a small town of Buchanan, MI, and currently a homeschooling housewife, I guess you would think I would be “old fashioned” when it comes to views on women and their roles in the world. And I am. However, as a doctor who started her own practice from scratch and ran it successfully for four years, having been through a divorce after 10 years of marriage and being a single working mom before I remarried, I guess you would call me a “modern woman”/”feminist”. So which is right? 

The long and the short of it is that God looks at our hearts and motivations. That is true for men and women. But speaking of women now, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that I can and should do any and everything God has asked me to do and given me the ability to do. And I am willing to be trained to do His will for me without prior training. That is a healthy viewpoint as a woman and mother. Now, I also believe strongly that each person is made in the image of God, all people are equal in importance because of this and women should be able to vote, work, take care of their kids and families and serve where they feel called by God to do so. They are equal. Men have this same right. But with privilege comes reaponsibility. This degretory and highly abominable opinion that bad men request and bad women oblige that women need to shed their clothes at request and much more while men watch fully clothed and gawk, and with each time thus happens two things occur: men get stupider and women get stupider. Men who jack off to airbrushed women on a computer or phone screen or in a movie or whatever have less enjoyment and ability to bond with or sexual enjoy their spouse and see women as stupid or sex toys and have unnatural standards of beauty because their wife is not airbrushed. And women who subject themselves to this degredation lose their self-respect and become morose and lonely and wonder why that is all men really wand from them and no connection they long for. And it is so prevalent that there is all growing rift between men and women. If men would be men and man up and shun this unnatural attraction and be satisfied with their wives and love them, and if women would stop disrespecting themselves and all other women by foolishly doing what greedy and lustfull fools want them to do, there would be a more natural understanding of equality. And men would naturally take their place as head of the household and women would naturally be so deeply in love with and respect their husbands, life would be infinitely better for everyone. Men need to be respectable men and not perverted selfish jerks. And women need to be women and concern themselves with their household. And the porn industry should be damned and thrown out on their greedy assessment straight to hell for all the damage they have done to families and people’s opinions of men and women and their roles. And no man should ever ever EVER hit his wife or humiliate her and berate her and a real man woukd never do that. That is fact. A man rapes a woman, he should suffer the same fate in prison. A real man concerns himself with Godly responsibilities and using His gifts to provide and care for his family and keep his focus on only his wife and his work and play only with her and leave the cyber sluts and all other women alone. 

And in return, it is my distinct high honor and privilege to serve my family. I am more of a woman for it. I am strong for what I miss out on so they prosper and thrive. And that is my humble and old fashioned and 100% correct and healthy and Godly viewpoint on feminism and the roles of women and men. God be praised for His design! He is so good!