OTC Treatment of Basal Cell Skin Cancer

So, I have a small patch of basal cell skin cancer that started on my left upper cheek after repeated sunburns there. It stayed dark pink then started getting white bumps on it and raised areas and started spreading.

As I don’t have health insurance and the medical system is ridiculously expensive and won’t do a thing without an expensive biopsy. That, mixed with the fact that basal cell skin cancer is not life-threatening but just unsightly, I searched for over the counter self-treatment options and this is the treatment plan. It is based on science that highly acidic (or basic for that matter) environments kill cancer.

Materials: cotton balls, bandaids, hydrogen peroxide, Bragg’s apple cider vinegar

Technique before bed: 1. Wash area with soap and water. 2. Fill hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) cap with H2O2 and hold tightly against skin over area for 30 seconds. 3. Pull off about 1/3 cotton ball and dip it into the apple cider vinegar. Have two bandaids ready to apply. 4. Apply vinegar cottonball to problem area and apply crisscross bandaids on top (cover the cottonball completely). Go to sleep. (If you can’t handle a little burning pain, take an ibuprofin 15 min. before you do this.)

5. It will tingle or burn, depending on the depth penetrating, this means it is working. Hang in there. It will get bigger and uglier before it clears up, you are drawing up all the extended root system you cannot see on the surface layer. Parts may be red or black and skin will be rough looking halfway through- all part of it. 6. In the morning, remove the bandaids and wash with soap and water. Apply 30 second hydrogen peroxide in cap held tightly to the skin again. Wash with soap and water gently. Pat dry. Apply vitamin E or C oil or bag balm or mary kay night cream or some soothing cream. Put a dry bandaid on top to protect and not scare people and minimize questions. 7. Repeat steps 1-6 for up to 5 weeks or 2 days after red or black is completely gone from the skin.

Now, I caught it early and have been doing these treatments for 2 weeks and 1 day and I will show the pictures I took (tried to take them in the same spot, same light, same distance from the camera). I just have a little redness now so may be done in 3 weeks, will see. I hope you have found this information helpful.

Basal cell skin cancer on cheek. Has raised areas, is bumpy hard to see, detected early
Basal cell skin cancer 3 days into treatment. Area has increased and more brown/red areas

Basal cell skin cancer 1 week into treatment. Bigger and more dark spots, the roots coming up.

Basal cell skin cancer 1 1/2 weeks into treatment.

Basal cell skin cancer 2 weeks into treatment.

Basal cell skin cancer area today. Getting there.

“Consider the Source”

This advice was inspired by God for me and my kids in particular but I believe is wise for everyone also: “Consider the source”. This advise can be positive or negative. If a doctor tells you to not eat something you are allergic to, consider the source, that they know how to read the tests you took and have good insight into how to protect you. If a politician or lawyer says to give you more money, you consider the source that they want a pay raise on your dime for no good reason but greed. If a bully tells you you are too fat, too skinny, ugly, dumb, whatever, consider the source and know that the opposite is true. If a loving grandmother says not to marry that person, consider the source and heed thenwisdom, assuming she wants what is best and sees beyond what you can when blindly in love. Consider the sours can get you through many obstacles unscathed.❤

Sounding Smart versus Wisdom

There is a vast difference between sounding smart and wisdom. With children, they know the difference. They feel it in their bones and you see kids liking some people and not others. Kids like people who treat them respectfully enough to share wisdom with them, often very shortly after giving information. This is one example. In sales, many people also know disengenuous people full of seemingly valuable information versus wise people who truly want to help you use information to improve their lives. There is a respect and service (compassion of wanting to genuinely help) bridge between knowledge and wisdom when communicating with others. If you neglect the respect and service of the bridge, you may as well be a text book. Text books have fountains of information that is utterly useless until applied via the respect and service bridge to convey wisdom. It is self-serving to have knowledge without such an application of it. And meaning in life is the worship of God (applying wisdom to grow closer to God through worship, service and obedience) and service to others (applying wisdom to service and relationships). God gives wisdom and the tools needed to use it so closeness to God grows wisdom. This is always true. This why King Solomon yearned for wisdom above other riches. It is that important and we are feeling the effects of a lack of wisdom in those evil agendists (those divisive anti-God, anti-President, anti-American, anti-life elitists with money and no heart) trying to run the show in our world. They have money, they have knowledge and absolutely no wisdom. This is why their lies are made known. Wisdom is directly linked with truth and they set free the feeble mind, open the eyes of the seeker, change the heart of the humble. God provides both and He is very generous when humbly asked for it. ❤


I am a love expert. Because of my doctorate? Nope. Because I am married? Nope. Because I have children? Nope. Because of my many years of intensive study of many patients and fellow humans? Nope. I am a love expert because I have been loved by Love, mentored by Love, fathered by Love, taught by Love, cradled by Love, instructed by Love. I understand love as much as I can at this moment and more than I ever have by my direct involvement and experiences with Love, the source of true love. I feel Love. I know Love intimately. And based upon these credentials, here is what I know to be the truth about love. Love is a free choice, not something fallen into or out of. Love is always a free choice. Love is patient, loving, kind, faithful, self-controlled, joyful, peaceful, good, gentle. Love is humbly putting others first. It is in direct opposition with the ego, the over-inflation of self. Love does not fail or give up, is always hopeful, endures all things, perseveres, supports, uplifts, encourages. Love never causes harm but extends itself outward to help at all times. Love is generous. Love is moral, chivalrous and noble by default. Love has empathy and compassion for those in need or broken or hurting. Love is very real and speaks only truth and benefit with freedom. Love is not in any way, shape or form controlling. It voluntarily gives up control to achieve service and assistance and compassion for another. Love does not demand, make uncomfortable, belittle, hurt, withhold, manipulate or try to mold into some other n identity. It simply is incapable of such selfish behavior. Love is fiercely passionate about life and protecting freedom of choice (of all people, no matter how great or small) and promotes God’s gifts in people. Love forgives freely and forgets willingly, holding no account of wrongs. Love keeps loving no matter what. That never changes. Love is beautiful and glorious. This is the accurate account of love in its pure and true form. This is love you can bank on, count on. This will always be true. And coincidentally, Love like this is what God is also. These are His character traits. Beautiful, isn’t He?❤❤❤