A Story

I love a good story. So I figured I would tell one. This is a story about a bear. This bear was born in a beautiful forrest. She stayed with her mother and brother for a couple of years and then was on her own. She knew what to do to survive, what she had to do to make it in the forrest alone, what to eat, when to rest, what to avoid.

Once on her own, she had a great time for a while. But some new smells lured her greedy tummy to a campsite, where she found some food to eat that was different than her normal food. So thrilling! All new and exciting so much so that the little voice she heard telling her not to go there was easily silenced. She kept coming back night after night, enjoying herself immensely. However, her presence had not gone unnoticed.

One night, she was going for another food run in the campground and there was a gunshot that just skimmed her fur. She ran the best she could and washed a bit of blood off in the creek. She decided she would not go there again. She would be scarred but was still alive and a bit smarter.❤

Movie- Inspired Thought about Stories

I was watching a strange story, The Curious Life of Benjamin Button, or something like that. It had bad parts, but it was thought- provoking. Of course, being a mom I can never watch a whole movie start to finish so I see them in parts (which is the suckiest part of being a mom lol). Anyway, it struck me that life has way more meaning than was presented but that all life matters, everyone matters, everyone has a story. Some are inspiring and beautiful throughout and some are just in moments, but everyone has a story to tell. And what a shame some people wait until life is nearly spent to take the time to tell someone the story, and they may be unable or unwilling by then to listen. So, I am purposed to continue living my life out loud and proclaiming my story from the rooftops as I go. And I hope my story can inspire my children and anyone who hears it. I will be raw and real, “warts and all” as thr British beautifully put it. And please write or tell someone your story. God purposed it as He purposed you and you are beautiful, as is your story.❤

The Story of Her Heart

A mature woman of God once told me her story. She was a patient of mine, a regular, a real sweetheart. She told me of her heart’s song, the story of her love life. It goes something like this (but without her charming demonstrative flare- you’ll have to imagine it). She was married to a man who was horrible to her for years and was miserable and wanting desperately to be loved and held and treasured by a man. She happened to meet a man she had been friends with a long time but they realized they loved each other. The bad thing was that he was also in a miserable marriage also to a horrible woman. They, for 9 months of bliss together, justified their love because their marriages and spouses were so horrible and they felt so good and whole in each other’s arms and company, it seemed like destiny, they were soul mates in every sense of the word, perfect for each other. It was a perfect fit. Well, the man was being kicked out of his living arrangement and decided to go back to his wife to survive (she would not leave her kids so stayed in the house married technically- divorce being a bad thing back then), leaving her high and dry, not looking back, throwing her away like garbage. She ended up heart broken and almost died of her broken heart, so great was the loss and the betrayal. She yearned for him and mourned him for 9 full months, the amount of time they were together. And I was moved to tears as she still teared up speaking of it, such a sad story, such a broken women before me even telling the story to me so passionately, so empathetic was I to her pain, I felt it equisitely. Then she changed her demeanor entirely and began again. This beautiful old woman told me that the story didn’t end there. She said that she felt alone and friendless after that and decided she would not waste the rest of her life depressed until she died, so she started praying and reading her Bible. A new friend helped her to rebuild her heart a little at a time and she became a strong woman of faith and character and she said Jesus restored and forgave her entirely and He can do the same for anyone. I thanked this beautiful woman for sharing her heart story with me and hugged her. It is not every day you meet someone so willing to share their intimate struggles and testimony. (She gave me permission to share this, by the way.) I think if we all showed people how Jesus changed us and humble ourselves enough to be vulnerable to the listeners and tell it like it is, warts and all, we would help win souls to Jesus for salvation and eternal life with Him in heaven. Jesus has saved us all who are saved and someone may need to hear your heart story to be saved. Never be too proud to tell it. Or rather, be more proud of Jesus and how incredibly He saved you from it that what it might look like that you were imperfect enough to need salvation in the first place. ❤


Yes, I just made that word up, combining quilt and contemplation because I have been contemplating what design to pull from or create from scratch, and I couldn’t help but go back to the most important true story of every life. This is really hard to see but it is 5 panels telling the story of Jesus Christ my Savior, His birth, death, reaurrection, return to heaven, and soon coming return to earth to get us again. I am going to literally wrap myself up in Jesus’ story and hope to match my heart and soul. So there it is. Now for the work of making it. Woo hoo! Here we go!! 🙂 ❤