Expectations/ Plans in the Pooper

God has been dealing with me lately. I have expectations and make plans. Still. Despite His laughter at them and how often He proves His plans are better and more purposeful for His kingdom than mine. I am learning and growing.

Today, I expected a good long walk with the dog like I’ve been doing lately in the morning. Then I expected a day off, to relax with the kids, to swim, to maybe even read, catch up on sewing. Nope. We started good with me and the dog and a walk, then a good movie (Shazam), then a long walk with the kids again in the heat. So far so good then it happened. The phone call. Our handyman needs money/work and we have work for him to do, so guess who ends up prepping for him to work tomorrow. Yep, this girl. Then the kids want me to take them skating with their friends. Oy. Here now and my back still hurts from the dog attack yesterday at the dog park. So I am sitting and catching up with you guys and reminding myself that God has plans for me and you that are better than my/our plans. We were able to minister to friends by paying for their admission. Yes, my back hurts but skating a bit helped. And we will get a few things done around the house that will help us with homeschooling.

So it is all good. Again, plans are better left in God’s hands. Be flexible, be willing, put God first. His plans are best for everyone.❤

Future Plans, Lord Willing

So much goes on in this world that leads me to believe, as always, we are one day, one minute even, closer to God taking those saved home to be with Him in heaven. But in the meanwhile, we live for Him and are not gone yet, so there is work to be done. Some of our work is with the church and spreading the Word about God and the urgent need to draw close to Him now and throw off the sin and worldly garbage so ugly to God. Some is this retaining wall. The concrete footer has dried and Monday we will lay these landscaping blocks on the footers to keep the trees dirt from clogging the drainage ditch again. Then we will not have flooding. So, Lord willing, this is our next house project. As always, God is good and keep focused on Him. Be ready when He comes, whenever that is. No one knows the say or the hour. ❤

Plans of Old

God made us all. He loves us regardless of everything, unconditionally because we bear His mark, we house His fingerprints and breath, we are made in His image and can reason and think for ourselves. We speak and sing, the only created beings besides the angels who can. Animals make noises, fish make waves, nothing else can do what we can with our communication and creative minds. So we are loved because of God. He cost to love us despite how repeatedly naughty and ugly we are to ourselves and other people and even (gasp) Him. He loves us anyway. So we must understand that we are important. But. And this is a very big but. We are not it. We are not the biggest and brightest and best thing out there. You see, God is enormous but He is more than a loving Creator, He is old. By that I mean HE IS. By His own description of Himself, He has always been, is now, and always will be. He has been around since before we were thought of, and by “we” I mean earth and everything in it. He also, in addition to having seen and experienced everything we have even heard of and whatever else happened before we came on the scene, He knows everything. He knows and sees everything. He is Spirit and can be everywhere at once, sees all, knows all. God is never ever ever ever surprised. He might be mad at choices we make but oh how He loves the worship of purposeful Obedience! He is not flattered by praise for He knows good and we’ll who He is, but He is impressed with faith and happy when we turn our thoughts and face to Him. Back to the love thing on why that is. But He has plans in place since He knew some created (and that is very important) angels turned on Him by making a prideful and very bad decision with their free choice. The plan was set then as to how He would save as many as possible before the world had to be rebuilt and Satan And his followers be destroyed forever. He wants us saved. Jesus Christ, God’s Son, is who this salvation is through for He paid our debt of disobedience and pride against Him to make us right. So whoever accepts Jesus’ death and resurrection as their means of holiness (for God is also holy), they are saved. That is the plan. When testing is over to be sure we mean it and to build our potential, He will come get us and hit restart on the earth and evil will be destroyed forever. That is the plan. He has already won. It is happening now. He gave us the Bible so it would not be a secret. So know and remember the plan, live the plan, love the plan. Be saved and save as many as you can for the time for all that is short. Get right and get a friend right and gear up to go. God is in control. Never doubt that or fear. It is all part of the plan. Praise God!! 🙂

A Brief Thought on Plans

God’s plans succeed. No one else’s plans will ever trump God’s plans. No one else’s plans will be long term successes unless they line up with God’s plans. And God is love. His plans are for our good and His glory. That is the way of it. This may save tons of energy and disappointment. God keeps His promises and His plans ensure that.