Today is Another Opportunity

Today is another opportunity to…

Do the right thing.

Worship the Lord.



Learn something new.

Be consistent and faithful.

Live out my salvation.

Encourage someone.

Be the Light and salt.

Trust in the Lord with everything.


Bask in stillness with God.


Read my Bible.

Play with my kids.

Teach my kids.

Release anxiety to God.

Enjoy the beauty God made.

Live life.

Sieze the opportunity today.😄❤


A neighbor down the street has snubbed my children. She has actually been training her kids to snub them. She will deign to allow them to play when it is convenient (she drops them off and leaves so she can do something) and then does not allow most other times. It would be hard not to take this personally, as it feels like she believes herself to be of greater value (I mentioned we live in the same subdivision) or something. My daughter also talked to her girls about Jesus and they bragged that they do not go to church. I wonder if that has something to do with it. But then they tell us they are looking to sell their house and move to a posh, overpriced development down the street, looking for the “forever home”, whatever the heck that means. And I get it. Some people are just unintelligent and chasing things they want to afford and it blinds them to things like consideration, kindness, decency, etc. And I feel sorry for her. She must be very sad and unfulfilled to have to have more than those around her and let them know that. She needs Jesus. So I have determined to pray for her. And perhaps the next convenient play date I can have her over for tea and share the joy and peace of Jesus with her.

Every snub is an opportunity to love on someone who absolutely needs it. It is not personal but spiritual with them every time. Praise God!❤

Judging Revisited

I cannot judge another soul for I am as guilty at everything as they are. Sad but true. Just because I confess all to God and have repented and forgiven as instructed frees me of the guilt and purifies me. But I am just as corrupt as the next guy or gal apart from Jesus’ salvation. So I cannot judge anyone. That is God’s job. If I am wronges, I cannot judge them but can object and bring it to their attention so they know they have wronged me. Then the ball is in their court and they have a chance to change. If they refuse, I have a choice to keep putting up with it and keep forgiving g indefinitely and pray for them (which I currently am) or disassociate myself from them. Am I any better than them? No, I am just as capable of sinning and have to repent daily and keep praying for forgiveness. But because I humble do this, I am better off, for I have peace. I may never be happy with the situation of continuous wrong done to me daily but I have joy under it, legs of hope to stand on, and this beautiful opportunity to grow my humbleness. And I am all the better off for it. ❤

Wrestling Tides

A futile endeavor is the wrestling of tides.

I gain the upper hand just to lose it again.

It pushes and pulls me and draws me deep.

This is life with its ebbs and flows.

This is romance with its comes and goes.

And it exhausts and you arrive on the beach

Drained of energy, soaked through with stress sweat.

And I watch this in others, remembering the game once played,

Thr wrestling of tides I once did too,

Now so glad God granted me favor and closeness with Him

So now I am above the waters, looking on.

I am no longer in the water, now in the heavenlies.

I rise above the tide and wrestle it no more.

Why more do not decide this, I know not,

But I am grateful for the renewed energy.

I thank God.❤