Only Two More Months!

Crazy. Juggling two sports, school, dog, husband, band practice and gigs, church, community group, mom, family visiting, cooking for men’s breakfast, consulting work as needed and taking care of the house/cooking, car shopping for a cheap car my son can afford, etc., I am about worn out. I also now have a cavity and possibly skin cancer on my cheek and have to figure out how to handle that with no insurance and my husband is sick. Just two more months- and I am counting down- until sports seasons are over. Then I can clean my house and feel human again and have more time to refuel in the Word. I need to refuel. Spring break is next week and I am excited to catch up a little and rest a lot. That will be my Sabbath week. Praise God for it!! Please pray for my cheek and tooth and money for everything. God always provides and He is so very good!! So looking forward to resting in His love and care! 😃❤️

Today I Reset

God blessed us with a rain day, a day off of PE. I am happy because my sinuses around my eyes are going nuts right now and I needed some time alone with God to just breathe. I had to reset. My mind has played some reruns and wrong channels lately and it was really getting me weighed down and feeling far from my Savior. So He gave me this morning off to get my heart into contrite mode and give everything to Him, confess and just repent. I told a friend about it. And God forgave me (as evidenced by the feeling of a smile and burden lifted) and we are back. And God is so precious and so good and loves us so much. I feel Him close and am so thankful and want to give Him glory for His love and grace and just compassion on us. He may be the only one in the world that loves me and that would be enough, all I ever need. He loves that well. 😄❤❤❤

Peace in the Storm

I knew I had experienced calm for too long. It was coming. I was not anxious but braced. And through this day’s storms, I maintain my peace and joy because God helped me and has given me that gift. What storms in particular all happened today? I will tell me if you agree to pray for me specifically about them.

1. We had to attend a viewing of my sister-in-law who passed two days ago.

2. While at the viewing the dog pushed through a screen window and got out I had to leave the viewing and go home, return him home and return to the viewing.

3. My daughter came down with a horrible fever and the flu right before the viewing.

4. We discovered a localized-for-now infestation of termites in our home- oh no.

5. Saw my ex on the way to the viewing.

Needless to say, while in mourning the death of a loved one, a lot has happened in this one day. And up to yesterday, we had been experiencing a long calm. So here is the storm.

And I have complete peace and joy and feel fully loved. It is all in God’s hands because I put it all there. I have peace in my storms today. God is way bigger than any storm. I am not worried. I did everything I could do after the best thing, which is pray, and then I prayed again after doing my part. Peace is upon me. I am drenched with it. And I am fully thankful for it. God is exceedingly good, friend. ❤ ❤ ❤

Current Hurricane Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

Please lessen the impact of the hurricane. Please protect life. May people draw closer to You, Lord, in prayer and dependence. You are so much stronger than any hurricane. Please give peace and comfort. When we went through the brutal eye of Hurricane Irma last year, you were there with us and helped us. Please do thr same for these fellow Americans and Christians and even the non-Christian so they may be saved. Help people to see eternally and also physically really get the help they need quickly. We praise you, Holy God, who is stronger than these winds and storms and for your vast love and goodness. You are prefect in every way!

In Jesus’ Holy Name we pray, Amen.❤❤❤