A Story

I love a good story. So I figured I would tell one. This is a story about a bear. This bear was born in a beautiful forrest. She stayed with her mother and brother for a couple of years and then was on her own. She knew what to do to survive, what she had to do to make it in the forrest alone, what to eat, when to rest, what to avoid.

Once on her own, she had a great time for a while. But some new smells lured her greedy tummy to a campsite, where she found some food to eat that was different than her normal food. So thrilling! All new and exciting so much so that the little voice she heard telling her not to go there was easily silenced. She kept coming back night after night, enjoying herself immensely. However, her presence had not gone unnoticed.

One night, she was going for another food run in the campground and there was a gunshot that just skimmed her fur. She ran the best she could and washed a bit of blood off in the creek. She decided she would not go there again. She would be scarred but was still alive and a bit smarter.❤

Black Friday

I have never shopped ever on Black Friday. I have gone out people watching because seiously it is more contact fouls than a college football game. But lately it is more mean than funny and I think that is because of the rise in selfishness and my, ahem, “maturity”. Ok, I am feeling older now. But I ahem ways laughed ahemlwayst the marketing geniuses who got so many to buy into the “get it now for the cheapest price but hurry or you’ll miss it and never get it again” ploy. I am reminded of my husband’s quote, “It’s always on sale.” So true. And if you risk injury to get the perfect gift for that special someone, maybe their or your expectations are a wee bit high. Lol. But all that noise is nor my cup of tea anymore. I prefer peace. I really dig peace in my life and I am at a point where it characterizes me. Mostly, still a bit of a struggle sometimes, I am such a fighter, but I reserve the fight for the real battles and fight mostly on my knees in prayer now. (Love “War Room”!!!) So, peace to you today. And please pare down the gifts this year so we aren’t distracted by the fantastic birthday we are celebrating. If we are peaceful and quiet, maybe we can hear him cooing in the manger. Maybe we can remember the sweet momma and baby and stepdad that birthed and raised our precious Savior. Yes, I can hear it and smell the livestock smells and hear them talking about their sweet little baby. Much better than a grab race, eh? 😄❤

Greedy Fingers

Greedy fingers grab for more,

Never are content.

One person’s stuff they have to have

Never quite content.

Formulating how to get

More of everything,

They set out to abolish peace

Just so they succeed.

Narcissistic are these lost, sad souls;

They should not marry

For who can love them more than they

Who take more than they carry.

Stay away from greedy ones

They destroy in moments

What took you years to save up for

To them it is their dues.

Do not be like them, dearest friends,

Enjoy what you are given.

Appreciate all that you own

And wait for gold ’til heaven.❤