Eye Sight

As I age, my eyesight in some ways is much worse than it was. Being perfect most of my life, and being in a family full of glasses, I figured it was a matter of time. That has proves to be the case, but God gave me 43 years without glasses and with perfect vision. I have been blessed. So now I need glasses to see things close to me, so when I read or work on the quilt or many things. I can get by without them but my mind must infer the correct words from the blur and it requires more energy and I get tired and a headache. Sounds really old right? Well, in other ways as I have (ahem) matured, my eyesight and heart sight is increasingly more keen. I can see behind the mask people wear. I can see past the tough guy act. I can see the motives in the eyes. I can catch glimmers of hope in a Christian’s eyes. I can see a child in wonder who wants to know something. I can see when people need love. I can feel a person’s pain and see what they really need past rheir wants. I guess this is spiritual maturity, affecting your eye sight down to your soul. So in some ways, my eye sight is worse but I am completely good with that because far more importantly my spiritual eye sight is so much more acute and more like Jesus’. That makes me very very happy.❤❤❤