Community Group

We just had our community group meeting after several weeks off due to family loss and travel. It was fantastic. We had 6 people in my sister’s home. We sang hymns togetver, prayed together, shared life together, memorized Matthew 5:14-16 together, had communion together, ate together. Fantastic worship together and we all left feeling encouraged. Fantastic. I highly encourage attending or starting a community or small group through the week in addition to collective worship on the Lord’s Day with all your brothers and aisters of the body of Christ. Great way to worship and learn with others.😃❤️

Gearing Up to Work

It has been a while since I worked an actual job. Evrn part time, this will start rusty and I am mentally preparing for it. I also will need to brush up on my studies to be prepared. I also am changing my sleep schedule to go to bed early and get up early (tonight is an exception because Wednesday is a late church night). In addition, I am eating a bit less and healthier so I have more energy to be on my feet 6 hours a day. Once I have a couple paychecks, I will invest in work clothes and shoes. All this is preparation for the day I start working again.

Got me thinking of other preparation we are and need to be doing to prepare for a much more important day… the day I start one knows when that will be, whether an auto accident tomorrow or many years later in the rapture or Christ’s return. We need to every day put as much energy into preparing for eternity than we ever do for preparing for anything else. That means prayer, praise, worship, reading Bible, participating in church, serving others, building faith in God, loving God and others, etc. Prepare for what matters most.😃❤️

Through It All

Through it all, I want people to think of me first and foremost as a follower of Jesus Christ. I want people to think of that before anything else about me comes to mind. I am and do a lot of things, but I am in love with Jesus Christ first and foremost. That is who I am and the most important thing of all. Through it all, I am God’s.😃❤️

Drawing a Map

I am working on writing my autobiography, which is my attempt to testify to the greatness of God’s mercy, love, grace and provision for me all my life and as a way to determine the damage and repair of myself after and while in active recovery. I wish to focus on God first and foremost for He is the Champion.

But as I write this thing, and being a big picture person, I see a map drawn before me of the great occurrances of my life. And I see how my decisions caused many of the deviations and detours and how God kept up ahead of me every step of that crazy chess match. It shows that my relationship with Him, my salvation, was more important than veering from what I thought was His “big plan” for me. He was molding me, holding me or wrestling with me every step of the way so I would fall in love with Him back.

Pause. Just let that soak in because I am certain He has done that for you too. No one loves us more than Him, they can’t.😃❤️