I Walk On

The dust on my feet turns to mud.

I walk on.

The way is blocked with snakes.

I stand on.

After the snakes, a flash flood.

I swim on.

A wind comes to dry the water.

I push on.

A sunny, perfect day at long last.

I rest in God who has always been with me.

Nothing about life is easy. But life is worth living. And life is much richer eternally with surrender to God’s plan and relationship with Him.😃❤️

Gig Season Begins Again

So, here we come into October and snowbirds are starting to arrive in Florida. So we gig again. We have spent all summer on new oldies songs and we are loving it. So we kick off our gig season with two outdoor gig, one October 19th morning at Faith Baptist Church’s fall festival and then October 27 afternoon at Cornfusion. Very cool.

And with every other weekend full of family birthdays, we are going to be flying. October is by far our busiest time of year- 3 birthdays in our house. Crazy. So, here we go, let’s get it started. May God bless us all on this journey!😄❤


I had some pretty big symptoms of diabetes (and yes, it runs in my parents) before my 50 pound weight loss. And I was on the Paleo for 6 months to accomplish that and weaned off it and exercised and re-gained 15 pounds. Because I gain muscle mass so easily (being a mezomorph like my dad), and the fact that my clothes stayed just as loose on me, I figured I just gained muscle back I had lost during the Paleo diet. But now my symptoms of diabetes are back now that I am eating carbs again. So I will be laying off of carbs and modifying my diet for life now as a result. Yummy foods are not worth all the side effects and I cannot do all the things for God I need to do with diabetes, so there it is. Lifestyle will change permanently and just like that life is different.

When new things come up, you don’t have to freak out about them or sob or go into a depression or pity party. I count my blessings. So far, I have been blessed to stay away from it. I have been amazingly blessed with great health and now I am still blessed. So I have to change things up a bit. I have been needing a change, no worries. God is still good and I am still His. Praise God for His amazingness!❤