Power of Words

There are several youtube videos on the power of words concerning plants and children. Kids and plants who were encouraged and told loving messages thrived and those who were told negative, discouraging messages withered and did poorly. I can tell from teaching also. There is a lot of power in our words.

We must take care to always speak love and encouragement to anyone. We will be held accountable for our words. I have confessed a lot of word misuse to the Lord and am actively working to be careful with my word use. We must catch and control them on the way out and keep our hearts pure by Bible reading and study and prayer and relationship with Christ. He strengthens us when asked.😃❤️

Guarding our Words

Too many flippant or sarcastic words have come out of my mouth, infortunately. I realize it has been my greatest sin. I read again recently where we will have to give an account for every careless word we have said into eternity. That is sobering. So, I decided to repent and confess all those times to Christ for forgiveness and commit that verse to memory so I have that strong motivation to make me pause and guard my words before they come out. Words matter. And people need encouragement not sarcasm. They need truth instead of someone being right. God wants to hear praises too and not a constant wants list. Let’s guide our words and be a refreshing light to the dark world around us.❤

Bigger and Better Exaggerations

Have you noticed the at least American tendency toward exaggeration? We used to use our words well. Now we have to stress the importance by making them bigger, better, more impactful. It is no longer “important”, it is now “very important”. It is not “unique”, it is “very unique”. It is not “big”, it is “enormous”. We have awards for awards. It is like either pride has run wild or people feel they need extra drama to be worthy of any attention. I am not sure its origins but it is a thing. And it saddens me. When words don’t matter without exaggeration and embellishments, I just want to hug the speaker and tell them they are lived without needing all the bonus footage. They are enough. We are enough. We are made and loved by God and are worth conversations and attention without all the flourish. We need to get back to our roots and say it simpler with meaning. Just a thought I had.😄❤

Thank You

I believe saying polite words is respectful and loving. “Thank you”, “Please”, “After you”, “My pleasure”, “Pleased to meet you,” “Have a nice day,” “God bless you”, these words can mean the day to people. People feel honored when they hear these words. They can also be Jesus to the people who receive them. They can see the heart behind the words cares. Christians must speak using these words conaistently, be a good habit. Words and respect matters to people. They matter to me also. ❤