Lining Up Under God’s Will

I still love this billboard that says “God’s Word is His Will”. Nothing could be more true. We can know what God wants us to do by reading His Word and applying it to our life. And this requires some humility, some desire to please and know God better, a relationship growing closer to Christ and salvation through Him. So, lining ourselves under God’s will is first and foremost intentional, an act of the heart and decision of the mind. It does not grow unless you nourish it. You have to want what He wants more than you want what you want. You have to trust that He loves us better and more than we love ourselves and accept His better way. That is the crux of the matter.😃❤️

Growth in Maturity= Accepting Good and Bad

I am writing to those who wish to grow in their faith and maturity now. Growth in faith and maturity involves more depth than a contentment with your stuff. It involves a will-deep accepting of the good, the pauses and the bad- all of it- as God’s will and thus for a higher purpose than we can understand. Because we trust God to be who He is- love, kind, joyful, peaceful, self-controlled, gentle, patient, good, faithful- we know whatever it is is best for us long term. When you can get there, you are lifted by God to a higher plane of existence, to an untouchable faith that keeps you closer to Him. This is a beautiful place to be. Peace and joy rests there. It creates this protection from the elements. They are part of the plan we trust God is working out for His good as well as our good and those around us. ❤ ❤

Intentions vs Actions

God says in the Bible that He sees the heart of a person. We are responsible for what we think about all the time, what fills our heart, our intentions. We may have good intentions but it is misinterpreted. We still did good by meaning well. It really is the thought that counts to God. Our actions matter too. Our actions are actually an extension of our intentions. Intention precedes action. This is what God means when He says that out of the abundance of the heart thr mouth speaks. Speaking is an action as much as physical work. Both are the fruit, the proof of the good of your intentions and heart.

I used to hear this word “intentions” captured by humanism and various other Eastern religions but I want very much to explain that they do not own this word. It is a very good word that they use for a different purpose, as in to focus on calm or clear the mind or other seemingly worthy causes. But God and I do not mean this. It is very dangerous to clear one’s mind- makes a blank slate for evil to slip in. The whole idea of having good intentions is the idea of inputting truth from God’s Word, the Bible, and having that truth and a desire to please God bubble over into desiring or willing to please God so much you intend to do something good for God or someone He made as an act of worship. This is the pure and blessed form of intention I am speaking of. This is so beautiful it is glorious. And God honors it. ❤

God’s Will

I saw a poignant billboard that read, “God’s will is God’s Word”. I don’t believe God’s will is some mysterious thing we have to seek years to find. I believe it is right in front of us in God’s Word, the Bible. I believe that if you read and sincerely obey what it says and pray, you are in God’s will. And a step deeper in obedience is using the gifts and talents He gave you for Him by serving others and worshipping. And the rest of it is cludging and distractions. I believe firmly God is not elusive but very near, awaiting our humble prayer and obedience.

This is controversial for so many, but I believe sincere and humble obedience must accompany faith to prove it. Faith alone is like owning a cloud. Doesn’t benefit anyone until it rains. Obedience is the rain, allowing people to benefit. Faith alone is not enough to be in God’s will because His Word is so clear that once we have true faith, we exercise true obedience. And His blessings for us result from humble obedience and prayer and worship.

Our will being put under His will is the key. We decide He matters most and we want to follow His Word rather than our own desires and whims. He is God, after all. That is the crux of everything.❤