Son of My Father

I saw this title on an album by Dante Bowe. I love that title. In my case, I say “Daddy’s Girl” and I like that.

My happiest thought is that of being my Father God’s little girl. And His eternal status means that I can retain that title no matter how old I get. Sweet!

When we see ourselves with the truth of that title, we embrace our primary objective of our design. And how peaceful, joyful and glorious is that!😄❤

Be Faithful, Dads

I was just thinking about my daddy. He passed two years ago now and I often remember him fondly. His greatest legacy was one of faith. He was faithful. Not just was he a faithful husband to my mom but he was all in, faithful to the core to his faith, his family, his country, his beliefs, his land. He did not stop being what he believed in my whole life. And that is why I am the way I am and believe so strongly in being faithful, being all in to God, my family, my country, my beliefs. It carries down.

Be faithful, dads. You are doing great. Even if you screw up a bit, just swallow that pride and ask forgiveness.. wives and kids are in general very forgiving… and keep being faithful. Or start today to make that legacy to pass down, it is never too late. Just please do keep working at it. You are the head of your house/family and families are why America is so great. You are vitally important to make or break everything, which is proved by how heavily society is attacking you. Be courageous, be all in and be faithful. Like my daddy, the best man who ever walked the earth (other than the God-man Jesus, of course).❤

Daddy Reminiscing

I have now lost all my grandparents and my uncle and my Daddy. I only have my Uncle Tim left of all my fathers in my life. Of all my fathers, my best father and the best man of my life was my Daddy. That was up ’til God proved to me that He surpassed even him. Even the best man in my eyes that God ever designed and created is still one of the created and the Creator is still way better. So my Heavenly Father is my treasure, my Abba, meaning my Daddy. And He is worth every conversation about Him and time with Him. So I mourn less about my Daddy being in Heaven knowing that he is there with my Heavenly Father and I will see Him soon. ❤

To the Fathers

Happy Father’s Day to any and every man who loves as Jesus loved, sacrificially, manly, strong, humbly, faithfully, gently. To every man like that who cares for his or other’s children, you are amazing and I love you for it! Props and love to all you men who are real men and love and provide for and protect children. That is what God intended and it super sexy when you obey Him in it. So very cool! Keep up the magnificent work! Happy, blessed Father’s Day!!❤❤

P.S. Miss you so very much, Daddy!❤❤❤❤