The Maker Knows How to Fix What We Break

We break things. Sometimes we know what we are doing and sometimes it is intentional or poorly thought through. There is wisdom in slowing down and thinking in quiet clarity and also in prayer to our loving Creater who can fix things and even willing people.😃❤️

The Gift of Fasting

I have the habit of fasting on Wednesdays and have since I started early last September. Why? Several reasons:

1. I have fasted weekly because I am very very busy and am overwhelmed with how much there is for me to do, how much faith God has in me to work for Him. Fasting empties me of myself and makes me rely once a week fully on God for the strength and sustenance to get through the day.

2. Fasting allows more direct prayer connection to God. It is obedience because we are commanded to fast, and God always rewards obedience with closer relationship to Himself and blessings.

3. God provides so much clarity while I fast. Any doubts or cloudy thinking are erased and clarity in truth is left. I am not sure this is a Biblical n promise for fasting but it certainly is my personal experience. He provides truth and the rest burns off through the day.

4. God answers prayer. Faith is increased when fasting because it is putting your money where your mouth is to trust God for energy and health during the busy day and He honors faith every time with answering prayers. Yes, He answers prayer anyway, of course, but when fasting, the communication is much more intimate and direct and answers are more personally given and acute. And the more specific the prayer, the more certain the answer.

6. Forgiveness is easy when fasting. I had enemies before I started and have none now except God’s enemy Satan and his demons. I have no enemies in people form. I realize my enemies are not flesh and blood. I get that so much now that I hold no one accountable for their sins against me or myself accountable for sins against me or anyone (I have asked forgiveness of everyone I have wronged to the best of my ability) and wisdom and understanding replace that. When strongly in the presence of a perfect and loving God, those menial (seeming huge at the time) do not matter. Even the worst of crimes against me or hardest times gone through, I am now thankful for most because it brought me closer to my Heavenly Father God. I tell on Him more.

7. God is closer to us because fasting lets Him be. Distractions meander off. When hungry, I am more focused on prayer. When not cooking for myself or eating, I have more time with Him in a more focused way. Distractions of life also leave. They just do

These are the blessings from my gift of fasting. Fasting is a gift of obedience to God in meaningful, deep, powerful prayer. The gift is mine really, as I feel better and stronger than at any other time in the week. And it a gift to God He rewards for I am truly putting Him first in His rightful place in my life. This is a reset for me also to set the tone for the rest of the week to maintain His place as first in my life always.

Although it is commanded for us to fast, it is amazing how many Christians I suggest fasting together with that have a million excuses why they never fast. They don’t want to. I understand most won’t want to fast weekly, but monthly at least due to the end times condition of the world.

I firmly believe if more Christians did fast, more good would be happening, more blessings occurring, more people saved, more souls saved for the kingdom of God, more churches growing and not diminishing or closing. Fasting with prayer is the most powerful tool in our arsenal. And thr enemy really wants to keep you from it because he knows it. FAST and PRAY. See if God does not bless you richly for it. Get someone in church to fast and pray with you. Open your heart to God in this obedience and see what beauty He unfolds in your life and what protection He provides you. ❤

God is Clear

God’s truth is simple and clear. That is one if the great ways to know it is true. Simplicity. Peace. Joy. Love.

The lies of the enemy are convaluded and confusing, murky and mixed up, dark and secretive. Lies hate being exposed and will often quite literally fight to the death puffed up with pride rather than face consequences or humbly confess and repent. And die eternally for it too.

God’s truth is so clear. God loves you dearly and made you to love Him and others and be saved by Jesus Christ. That is it. Confusion gone. Darkness disappears. Light floods in. Truth is simple and easy to understand and grasp. However, it is not stupid and does not lack sophistication but presents that deep truth simply so everyone can understand and be saved, even children or disabled or very elderly with neural deficiencies. All are welcome to heaven but must decide that here on earth. Simple message, simple open truth.❤

Wandering the Halls of My Mind

Warning: going deep here. Today’s illness had less to do with the dizziness and fatigue and more to do with vacating my present space to do some mind cleaning. I virtually and mentallu toured the halls of my mind and found clutter in its halls and rooms. I walked through and threw out the clutter. I let go of things held onto that are no longer relevant to the present or future. I forgave what needed forgiveness. I removed leftover junk from the past. I am a very visual person, and visualization is a very powerful too, often as real to me as real life. So visualizing this cleaning process has enormous value and the inviting God’s Spirit to dwell there in the newly clean house. Incredible and powerful exercise. Maybe that helps someone or you, friend. Love you! ❤