Together We Love

Kevin, our lead male vocalist in our band, came to our band practice last night. He, as I mentioned previously, has just lost his wife to cancer and she is with Jesus now. This just happened the Thursday before Easter. He came to practice. We were surprised but thankful because wr could love on him and listen. And he even sang and sang well. It has been over a month since he sang with us, needing to take care of her full time toward the beginning of her life with Jesus in Heaven. He came so we could love and support him and share with us. This is what he needed. Everyone needs something different, based on a lot of factors, such as personality, time, experience, upbringing, etc. We just let him be- he sang when he wanted, he talked when he wanted, he spoke of her when he was ready. He is part of our band family, an extension of the church as we are all brothers and sister in Christ. Family is a healing place when it is done right. Praise God we could be there for him. God is so good. We will remain together loving on him for probably years to come, if the good Lord tarries.😃❤️

The Key to Not Be Devisive

I heard a great quote that I want to take further. He quote was from a guy on YouTube who said this:

“Just because we have different viewpoints doesn’t mean we have to hate each other.”

And I want to tell you the key to executing that mindset, because it is a necessary one for any group of people living in the same family, country, workplace, earth. Here is the secret key: Ready? Wait for it…

Care more about God then yourself and other people as much as yourself.

It is that simple. Really? Yep. It is the heart of the matter, pun intended. If we simply follow these 10 commandments, reduced down to two, with a humility and the fruits of the Spirit, the world would be flipped upside down, or actually would be made right.

A difference of opinion would not induce hatred but maybe a conversation or acceptance of a different viewpoint.

Families would be stronger, as each would love God first and foremost and want to please Him and then would love each other as much as themselves so nothing would be done for self that harms another but instead each would support and encourage each other.

Words and actions would be done from love and not from hate or its counterparts greed or envy or folly or self-interest etc. Love views things quite differently, sacrificially even.

Ah, just thinking of God’s original design is wonderful. We can help by adopting such a world and heart view and implementing it. And if enough of us do this, wow!😄❤

Fasting Prayers

I will be praying and fasting tomorrow (on Wednesdays). I implore any of you friends who really love the Lord to join me. And if you cannot fast for some reason, please pray with me during meal times. So we are on the same page, my prayers will be:

1. Please purify my soul and my family’s soul and wash us clean by the blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ. Please forgive our sins and renew our strength and purity with the Holy Spirit so we may be in your presence and pray and fast today.

2. The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6), with emphasis on “Please, dear Lord, may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

3. Please may God’s prayer warriors be strengthened and focused to pray and fast for your good to triumph over the enemies’ evil.

4. Please protect and strengthen our President Trump and all those officials doing good and may those who have done evil to be caught and prosecuted and be found guilty and punished to the fullest extent of the law. Please allow this to change their hearts to repentance and salvation.

5. Please help our country defund and abolish abortion and injustice so you will forgive and bless our country as a whole.

6. Please allow people to be released from their addictions to tech and social media/phones and pleasure addictions which have become their idols. Please release and help them so they are ready when you come soon for your church.

7. Please purify your church and strengthen her to prayer and fasting and worship together. Destroy the evil within her and cast out demons who have infiltrated. Help your church to remember her job of missions, winning souls for your kingdom, worshipping You. Please help and bless Your persecuted church around the world.

8. Please save as many as you can from the clutches of Satan and soften their hearts to Jesus Christ as their Lord for their eternal soul’s sake.

9. Please strengthen and heal my friends and family for prayer and prepare their hearts and souls for your coming.

10. Please keep the demons and evil ones who have chosen to worship them from being effective in the evil they want to do. Stop their plans, dear Lord, and protect us. May all the evil plans come to ruin and be hindered and useless and may You, Lord, and Your angels win every battle.

11. We love and pray for Israel. We pray for her peace and that the Jews will realize that Jesus is their Messiah and be saved. Praise be the God of Israel. Please bless her.

12. We worship you, dear Jesus. We give you praise, honor due you and adore your glory. You are worthy of all our love and adoration and worship. You are holy and true.

In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.❤❤❤