It Could Be

It could be that they put you down because they see you as way better than they are and, rather than put effort into becoming better, they want you beat down to their level. They, then, become bully cowards who are admitting their own poor worth. I feel sorry for them. If they realized how much Jesus loves them, maybe they would see we are all the same level as created but with different, amazing God-given potential. It could be that Jesus is the change that eliminates bullies and restores health to people. It could be if people accept Him. ❤

My Response to Being Bullied

When I am pushed, I used to proudfully push back harder but now I respod quite differently. I now question the source. “Why push me?” “What do you gain from pushing ME?” “Who is pulling your strings?” “What motivated you to choose a push?” “Are you in charge here or are you a pathetic lacky?” And here is the question I ask when I feel the best about it… “What is the lesson I need to learn here?” I have known since childhood that ALL BULLIES ARE COWARDS. Also, I truly fear no one or nothing because I know and believe the truth that “Greater is God in me than he who is in the world.” That has not ever changed and will never change. The thing is that you will make a bully back down by standing up to them but will only change their hearts with God’s love. Questions are a way to get the person to think, thus planting a seed of thought into an otherwise automatic destructive mode. And maybe I can learn from it as well as they can. There is always more to learn. So I stop any immediate harm first and foremost. Then I question. When Jesus was bullied, He fired back with questions. Is He not our ultimate example? Yes, He is. So there ya go. Works every time and maybe you become their first real friend and give them a tool they can use for good or conversion or repentence.❤

A New Low on Pansy-ification of our Kids

So, the pansy-ification bosses, whoever they are, decided that our kids were hitting the bat too hard or were having too much fun. And so they got together to decide just how pansy-ish they could make our kids and how at the same time they could make a heck of a lot of money. And voila, they decided kids’ baseball bats now had to be made of a composite plastic that would hit really woosy-like and cost a fortune. And this is now required! So the ball isn’t hit as hard. And we are supposed to be ok with us, this dumbing down of childhood, this making our kids whimpy/pansies, especially for money, is apprehensive and should be so. And to enforce it, if their baby expensive bats are not used, they will withdraw insurance so they are reinforcing it. I just want everyone to know this is not ok. It is right up there with not allowing guns to be purchased because someone was shot by a derilect three states over. Like the gun is the perpetrator and fires itself and like bats kill kids because they are too hard. What? Have people lost their American minds listening to that garbage? What’s next, full body armor to catch the ball???