Strange Stats

Since Jetpack took over WordPress, the stats are weird. “Last 7 days” vs “Prrvious 7 days”? What? It makes no sense. I do not understand it and can’t get rid of it. But problem solved, I never go to that stats page anymore. Don’t need it anyway.

Got me thinking about stats. I use it as a gauge of content to a degree but really I write to encourage other people and worship God- so love God and love people. So I obey and blog whether anyone reads it or not. And the stat I really do care about is comments. I care about the bloggers I interact with and consider them my friends and share their work because it is good and to encourage them and others. I love interacting with other people. It is beautiful.😃❤️

Feeling Murky

Writing my autobiography is hard. The end of the story is great and glorious testimony of God’s grace and mercy, and there are moments of amazing along the way, but there were years of really hard stuff and writing it is reliving it. So I am murky right now. I feel it is worth sharing and going through to maybe help someone else, even one person would be worth it but I will need days between writing in prayer and Bible reading to revive. God is good. He can help me. Praise God!😃❤️

Writing Life

This is the first autobiography I have written about my life. It is weird. Feels a bit narcissistic. However, it needs to be done and I feel strongly that I need to do it to step forward in relationship with God because I believe He wants me to give my testimony and it only glorifies Him in context of my whole life story.

So I do this weird thing. I write about my life. I will be as objective as possible. I will glorify only God. He is worthy of my doing it right. He will help me.😃❤️

Drawing a Map

I am working on writing my autobiography, which is my attempt to testify to the greatness of God’s mercy, love, grace and provision for me all my life and as a way to determine the damage and repair of myself after and while in active recovery. I wish to focus on God first and foremost for He is the Champion.

But as I write this thing, and being a big picture person, I see a map drawn before me of the great occurrances of my life. And I see how my decisions caused many of the deviations and detours and how God kept up ahead of me every step of that crazy chess match. It shows that my relationship with Him, my salvation, was more important than veering from what I thought was His “big plan” for me. He was molding me, holding me or wrestling with me every step of the way so I would fall in love with Him back.

Pause. Just let that soak in because I am certain He has done that for you too. No one loves us more than Him, they can’t.😃❤️