Guide Your Contemplation

I detest the idea of trancendental meditation, the idea of clearing your mind or focusing intention on ourselves. I was never comfortable with it, even when I tried it many years ago. Now, in my maturity as a Christian, I detest it. I believe we think way too much about ourselves as it is and that when we empty our mind, any fool can walk in and make a home there. Maybe I am the only one, but if I do not have a focus actively, intentionally on Yahweh, Almighty God, I am easily tempted to dwell on things I should not or even worse, myself. It is much wiser to contemplate God intentionally, to ponder His Word, written and living. We must constantly “take every thought captive” for the sake of Christ we serve and represent. ❤

Why I Have Become Anti-Meditation

I used to like the idea of meditation, calming your mind, freeing your thoughts from the calamity around. And I realized one day (or God showed me one day, rather) that it doesn’t work that way and is really quite narcissistic and ego – inflating truly. And momentary calm and a temporary ego boost/pep talk is a poor substitute for inner peace only God n provides. So instead of meditation, and far more meaningful and beautiful, I pray and fast and read the Bible. And I find this dosage of truth and God – mindedness is truly rewarding and peace-giving. And peace is always there with me now, even in calamity. I can weather any storm with God. When I focus on Him, everything is as it should be and wonderful. When I focus on me, I get back a weak, flawed albeit really nice lol person. I choose God. Meditation is distraction and a negative one. I would rather study the truth of the Bible. Far more beneficial and proper.❤

New Age Crap

New Age crap sounds good. It will even temporarily make you feel good, great even. The truth about it is that it focuses you on yourself, the opposite focus we should have, which is on God. It is directly opposing God. It is in fact replacing Him OR putting Him in a box inside us, as in we are powerful, we are gods, we are worthy of all our attention and pampering.

Let me be clear, we should love and care for ourselves and work to improve, but that is what we should do for others too AND God should always get center stage, top billing, all the praise, adoration and honor.

God lovingly and with great care and thought and wisdom created every single thing, animal, person we know of in this universe. He is the boss of it. That is true no matter what you believe, feel, want, campaign for, like, love, whatever.

So instead of all that narcissistic self-improvement crap and blather, try some reading your Bible and praying to and worshipping God. He is worthy, we are not.❤❤❤

Thought for Excellent

I am responsible today for my thoughts, words and actions.

I can make decisions which honor God or hurt His kingdom.

I am responsible for those decisions.

I will be careful then to make the right decisions today.

I choose to make good decisions.

And I can and will humbly pray for help from God to do this.

And He will help because He loves me and He is more than strong enough to help.

So today His peace and joy will envelop me.

I will be His loving light to honor Him.❤