Missing the Farm/ Home

When I think of home, it is the farm and church in Buchanan, Michigan. Sure, I was in the trailer park until I was 9, but we were at the farm a lot and I always felt the most normal and relaxed there. I hung out with the black lab Sheba. We ran through the fields. I climbed on the farm equipment and sat in the tires about 3-4 times my size. The smell of dirt calms my soul to this day. A hard days work makes dinner taste so much better, and we had great cooks in our family. Bad cooks and non-singers need not apply in our family. And if we weren’t at the farm or suffering through school (just because I aced everything never meant I liked it, I was just ambitious), we were at church. Yes, I spent a lot of time with Shawny and Jody (before we lost her), my best friends, and riding on bikes. But we were at church every Sunday morning and evening and Wednesday night and for every single event they had otherwise. Best people in the world!

My heart is still there and I am itching to get back there something fierce- to visit or live, makes no difference to me at this point. But if God pulls us out of here before that can happen, that is even better because I know my forever home is always with Jesus and it could not.be better to be where He is physically and not just spiritually. 😄❤

Thinking of Buchanan, MI

I often think of and ponder my hometown of Buchanan, MI, in the Southwest corner of Michigan. It is a beautiful town, largely rural and lovely with a rippling brook going through the town center. And it is a sweet, wonderful town with a sweet shop and local grocery store and all of 5 lights, I think. You can get across town in 5-8 minutes and the landscape is quaint and peaceful. Nice high school with two tennis courts. McCoy creek park had baseball and softball diamonds and the creek and bridges and playground and a great sledding hill in winter. Such a sweet area. And the church I grew up in (still going, with family and church family I still love) was Buchanan Christian Church with three full stories and a great parking lot we rode bikes in and a great park across the street. It was a great place to live. It is still a great place to live. God blessed me with Buchanan, Michigan. God blessed me so much. I am exceedingly grateful.