It Begins

I like to wait to get Christmas festive as long as possible because for me, when it lasts two or more months, it is less special so dishonors it a bit for marketing purposes. I get why but I guess I object a tad at consumerism rather than Birthday celebrationism. But that is just me, I’m weird. Lol But I am forced now to get in the spirit early for we play a big hoity toity convention Christmas party in two days and I play a wedding that morning. So double booked and oh what fun it is! 🎩🎹📡😎❤ So here we go, all festive and bright by hook or crook and let the party begin!!! If you don’t hear from me tomorrow or Saturday, now you know why. Lol No worries, I will write again. Tee hee! Love you! 😄❤

A Touch of the Wild vs. Crazy

I have often, throughout life, been called crazy. Lovingly, of course. Lol I used to wonder why people called me this and have come to a few conclusions: 1. I have a touch of the wild in me. I like adventure, creativity, seeing beauty in new places, whether traveling or a new perspective on the familiar. I have a very vivid imagination, so vivid and so extremely visual that I can see what my mind dreams up as real and some dreams are as vivid to me in memory as the real. Also, part of the wild in me is extreme love of nature and worship while there, so much so that I really could live outdoors. Ahhh, great thought. 2. I am fearless. When dared, I would do it unless it involved harming someone or myself, but I knew my limits and instinct told me when to do and when not to. Part of being fearless is not fearing rejection if I say no to someone. I never had fear because I grew up in church and reading the Bible and praying and God said “Have no fear” so I obeyed. That simple. My faith is very very high so fear is not within the realm of my existence. And if I die, I go to heaven so why on earth would I be afraid of that either? In the fearless department, I also never cared what anyone except my very few closest friends thought of me. It is simply not a concern. 3. I am an Aquarian, which evidently has the weird, crazy quotient built in. But I am not into all that so I let it go at that and never delve deeper at all. So there you have it, memoirs of a crazy person to some and touch of the wild person to me. So, nice to meet you. Now you know. Lol I know my stuff is not usually so narcissistic but it sometimes helps appreciate someone’s writing when you see that person better. Knowing the author also assists with their credibility. 🙂

An Apology I Owe

I am not proud. I am humble. More so than I ever thought possible. So I need to apologize to my reader for showing that negative side of the coin. I am told that is normal when grieving, especially when compounded with menopause, but I hold myself to a different standard than normal. I am not normal. I am happily weird. So, in my weirdness and humbleness, I am apologizing for giving in to a sort of hopeless anger for a minute and I realize a lot of times I play more emotion than sense lately. And further, I realize that God causes all things to happen for a reason. And when bad human choices are made against His wishes, He having given us free will and all, He does still cause the very best results to happen for us, His children when we ask humbly. So I pause right now and ask forgiveness for being to harsh on a good friend who happened to make what seems to me to be a very bad choice to many many people’s detriment. That is just what I felt at the moment and in no way does that reflect judgment as only God judges a person’s heart and I myself are flawed majorly. So I am sorry for dwelling in my momentary anger and not in God’s designs for fixing it all for the best of everyone. God can do anything. He is in charge. He knows what is best and He will do it and I will humbly ask again. God is so good. I am so not. So I defer to Him. Forgive me. Praise Him!

The Cure for Crazy

Venturing out into the realm of the semi-sane, I reminisce with about a milliion thoughts at once, some good, some not, some neutral to carry the burden of the flesh making sense of the spirit realm. I find myself in this place of unsorted logic and well sorted fantasy and I pause. I have once again ventured too far in, to far down the rabbit’s hole into the bizarre netherreaches of quasi-logic. I pause. Here before all of us is an as yet unparalleled mix of distractions and foolishness clouding the sight of the physical so the spirit is camaflouged during a time it would behoove us to truly focus on that which is spirit and is the cause of the terror, the evil, the darkness, the distractions, the confusion, the foolishness. All things happening are warning the spirit to wake up not chasing the body toward its distractedness. The opposite reaction is occurring. And the crazy is evident, the irrationality is vast, the denial is abundant and the lies are ubiquitous. There is an amazement at those who can keep calm amidst the chaos and our lights shine so brightly within us who know these secret things and rest secure despite it all in our precious Savior Jesus Christ. God gives us the choice to know the truth and embrace it and find rest in Him OR hit the crazy fantasy searchers who need distraction to feel safe and not fear. Fantasy, escape from realities, make people feel secure, better, even happy for a moment, euphoric for a little bit but peace does not find anyone where God’s Spirit is not. It can’t. They are connected, related, relevant, necessary.You can not have one without the other. You can’t, not permanently. The only way to counter crazy is to promote peace and love and faith and hope and light and truth. And those things only come from God. You can’t fight a sword with a banana. You need the right tools. If you are tired of crazy and uncertainty, man up with some Holy Spirit. You can find Him by praying to God the Father and reading His Word the Bible. It is just that simple. And simple is what is needed. Simple and distractionless. So here is our hope, personally and for our country and world. It is truly that simple.