A Gift for Mom

I am reminded that my husband has very good moments, mostly generous ones, and replacing my mom’s computer is one of them. We are delivering it today. Hers was on its last of its prehistoric legs and her printer had jumped ship, anticipating its demise. He may struggle sometimes to treat me without contempt, and yet sometimes he borders on generosity and almost kindness, but today he gets to shine for helping my mom. It means so much to her because she is a writer. She is actually on chapter 8 of a new book as we speak. So, he will be blessing her this morning and we will go watch her be blessed. How beautiful it is to be generous with someone who needs it. It is a really beautiful thing. And what a blessing it is to give instead of getting. It feels so good, even if I am only watching this time!❤

Giving Proves You Follow Jesus

There is no doubt in my mind that Jesus is extremely generous. Extreme generosity seems to be His natural inclination, His nature. He gives to us generously even when we do not deserve it, when we don’t even know we need it, when He feels like it. He gives and gives and gives, even gave His own life (then reaurrected) for our salvation and still gives so much all the time. Why? Why on earth does Jesus keep giving and giving to us and we do not deserve it. He gives to people behaving well and people behaving badly. All the time, He does this. Why?

Jesus is generous because of who He is and out of His great love for us. He wants us to be saved, know and feel we are loved, be blessed by He who made and thus owns everything. How can a loving Father who owns everything not lavish gifts upon His chosen and adopted children? We are that when we follow Jesus. So He gives generously.

Jesus is our example and why we give back and should do so generously with appreciation for all He has given us. We tithe, we give, we offer, we serve all out of this generosity pot of love Jesus blessed us with. Who are we to hoard what He gives us so generously? Who are we to selfishly want more? We as Jesus’ loved and treasured children behaving as unsatisfied slaves? May it never be. I give of myself- time, money, gifts, abilities, service, encouragement- because of Jesus’ innate generosity and my appreciation for and honor of Him. ❤

Giving Away

I gave away a piece of my history today. People like to hoard to keep memories. I am the opposite. I like to give to share and make the recipient part of the memory, part of the story. That is love to me. Loving someone enough to make them part of your story. The gift was a keyboard. Nothing fancy but a good one I bought when I was all alone in CA. I went there alone, knowing only my producer there, and the keyboard was a familiar friend (musicians will get that) that I cherished while alone. And now my b husband had bought me three and a piano (again a musician thing) so it was really just for memory sake. And today it becomes part of my friend Tana’s world. I am happy to send my friend on a new journey, knowing it will be loved and played. It is a good step to take, the giving thing. Generosity is what God is all about so I love being generous when I can for Him. Nothing comes with us here or leaves with us later. Things are tools to use. Some are for memories but don’t keep that grip too tight or it might suffocate you. ❤

Fiercely Devoted Forever

My dad taught me loyalty and faithfulness. It is a lesson he lived and I learned his lesson through watching. Only a few lessons did he give up as words of wisdom. No, he taught me through his actions, through his day in and day out supporting his family and taking care of us and protecting us and being faithful to my mom, despite her condition. He also taught generosity this way, through experience, but I firmly believe generosity extends to loyalty and faithfulness. You have to give up something to stick with one person and not waver in that commitment. Often this is hard to find now. People don’t give up their whims and wants and immediate pleasures for anyone, regardless of the commitment level. It sucks really. But I learned it. I didn’t always follow all my life but I did once I realized by mistake and now do in my heart of hearts. To those I love and am committed to caring for, I have always been and am still right here for them and will remain so the entirety of my life. It is how I am made and what I was taught. And I firmly believe that every single person that decides to also be generously loyal and faithful is one more exception to the rule and one more light shining in this dark world. And maybe we can either start a trend or just be the lesson people need to see to want that joy of fulfillment loyalty and faithfulness brings, especially when it costs something. We need moments of sacrifice in our lives to do what is right. Love costs something, has to to prove its validity. Any moron can love someone when it is fun or convenience only. If you can’t ride through some storms together, there is no other way to prove you are loving them for real and through difficulties too. It is worth trying. Appreciation follows rather than doubt.Love reciprocates rather than mistrust. It is beautiful.