
There is something special and hopeful about completing a task. Yes, it may take a lifetime or 10 minutes, or anywhere between these, but the feeling of exhilaration is always there when we stick to our guns, be faithful, use our God-given resources, reason it out and fulfill the task. I am sure Jesus enjoys the satisfaction of fulfillment of prophecy also. I believe that when we are close to the Lord, we start to think like He does to some extent and appreciate what He appreciates. So this fulfillment of doing what we say brings great joy. Those who are unfaithful to a commitment deprive themselves as much as sin against God and others. Fulfillment has vast rewards now and later, eternal rewards. So worth doing the right thing on a consistent basis. 😄❤

Herein Prooves the Faithfulness of God

So, I sang my song this morning (“Take Me Back” from a previous post) at church. Of course, I humbled my heart and prayed before singing. I have not gotten nervous on stage for, oh, 30 years or better except when perforning an original song. With my songs, I have always gotten nervous. I think it is a part of yourself you are sharing with everyone else, putting yourself out there for criticism that always came. And I have never had a supportive spouse that encouraged my songwriting or even bothered to read my songs or hear them. And my husband is very critical so I keep them to myself.

Anywho, today like I said, I prayed. And herein Prooves the Faithfulness of God for He took over. I said “Let’s do this” and we did. And for the first time ever doing my own songs, I was not nervous. I even spoke before and told them the Scripture reference it came from and what it was about.

Many people came up and encouraged me and told me the song God gave me inspired them and they loved it. I am so pleased! God is faithful even when we are not and loves b us so much! He longs to draw close to us and just love n on us. That is why He helps every time we need Him and humbly ask. He is so good!!!😄❤

Just a Reminder About Grass

Just a friendly reminder: Grass is never greener on the other side/someone else’s yard unless it’s the weeds you are noticing. Weeds can look pretty green, even have pretty little flowers on them, and there may be playground equipment on it that looks mighty fun. But alas, upon closer inspection, weeds, only rotten weeds, and the playground is broken down, only looks fun, no substance. Nope, take care of your own grass, tend it, fertilize it, own it. When it finally dies, pave it and paint it green. Memorize this: “Not my circus, not my monkeys.” ❤

God Has No Extenuating Circumstances

Things affect us. Some for the better and some unfortunately for the worse. We are finite in a world system hell bent on destroying us. This is just how it is. We saved ones have a home in heaven for eternity but there are a plethora of distractions decidedly fighting for control of our viewpoint and attention.

The really cool thing is that God is far far above all that noise. There are no extenuating circumstances with Him, no contingencies, no distractions. God is the same always no matter what and is so much greater than these things that work feverishly against us. God is the clarity, the truth, the peace, the joy, the love. All that is good and limitlessly consistent and dependable is Him. God is it. If you want a rock, a fortress, a retreat, a cuddle spot, a home, God is it. Jesus (God thr Son) is our way to God thr Father. He is the only door through which to enter the eternal God for He is the bridge from the physical realm to the immortal, eternal realm we will spend eternity in. I want to enter eternity with God who is good rather than any other way. Eternity counts and is far more valuable than the spitting on it we humans do. The enemy does not want people to ponder their eternal life destination or he would lose the lie and we would reject him. God does not use trickery. It is all given to us in His Bible and He lives and deals in truth. God is not changeable n or movable. He is perfect as He is.❤