What I Believe

There is a big list of things I believe. But what is more important than that is what is true. I believe the Bible is true. I believe God is truth and He wrote everything we need to know in the Bible. I believe it is difinitive and unapologetic and stands and defends itself unquestionably and is our greatest tool for life, instruction, correction and battle (defense and offence). Thus, I believe every word in it is correct and true and gives us everything we need for salvation and eternal life with God in heaven through the saving power of Jesus Christ, the true Messiah and only means of salvation from sin and evil. I believe prayer, faith and contrition bring us to direct audience with Almighty God who loves us and wants to have a personal relationship with us. And that is it. I used to have many opinions, but God has lined them up with His truth, thanks and praise be to God!!! His is the opinion which matters because it n is true and perfect and holy. Praise God Almighty!!! Praise my Heavenly Father, Maker of heaven and earth and all that we see or know! May His name be lifted up! May His light cut through the darkness! May His truth set us all free! May those He made love Him and choose salvation! ❤❤❤

The Thing About Believing

When someone believes something, they will at some point be called upon to exercise that belief. The stronger their believe, the lower their threshold to action. Love is the strongest belief. When we believe ourselves to be in love, we will act to protect our lover, family, Savior, whatever we are loving strongest. When we act out of fear, it is a different animal altogether, a weak stance, a forced action without the lifeforce will behind it, just a will to survive. When we believe in things and ideas that correlate with the Bible, good and upright things, our beliefs cause us to act in ways that help and stand out as lights in the dark world. We do things like cook for people, help clean, smile, visit shutins, care for orphans, defend others, care for widows, help so done with car trouble, share, etc. When our belief system is in line with the dark world around us, we do things like lie, be selfish, look out for ourselves, search for what is in it for us, only help if we get back more, hold grudges, fight, look for pleasure only, run from difficulty, escape. See, what we think about and put into our heads becomes our belief system which drives our actions. It is very important what messages go into our heads. This is why we can help guard our hearts by staying in prayer. God can help always and really loves to help us guard our beliefs and line them up with His. 

It’s All in Your Mind

What you think is what guides your activities and actions. If you earnestly believe the Bible, study it and memorize it, your actions will reflect that and you will start to resemble the author a little more each day. Beauty in, beauty out. Goodness in, goodness out. On the flip side, if you feed yourself the opposing messages and corrupt evil lustful messages and movies and songs, you will start to resemble that filth you have allowed into your beliefs. Then you might wonder why it is so hard then to keep from messing up all the time, wonder why you have no peace or joy. The answer seems a little Magoo, a little simplistic and naive but it is the only true wisdom. It is all in the mind. Everything starts with the mind. In the mind can be bad things that happened to you years ago that you incorporated into your beliefs and made a part of you as if you were to blame for the attack. And in the mind, God can speak truth to you in His Word the Bible and teach you forgiveness and lift that same burden and feed you the truth that He loves you without pause and no matter what and wants better for you. Those two opposing mind sets- one a victim and one a victor- will produce completely different behaviors in a person. The mind and beliefs drive us. And what we feed our mind consistently (or sometimes just once) will become a part of your belief system, for better or for worse. The truth is that it is all in our minds. We need to pay attention to that truth and feed our mind accordingly. We get to decide what kind of person we want to be, no matter what our pasts are like. We have that super power from God. We can feed our mind with knowledge, words, media, tech, etc. based on our decision of what we want to be like. There are consequences or rewards for our decision, depending on what you choose, so don’t be surprised about that. The big thing is that we have to be sure we choose on purpose or we will be manipulated by the dark side. And if you choose God, you will have peace and joy, regardless of the circumstances.