Oh What a Difference a Choice and a Night Makes

So, we begin our story on a busy day yesterday. So busy, I barely stopped moving all day. We tried to do homeschool while watching our 9 month old grandson who was ill, with meals and dishes and she decided to go get gas and shop at Target before picking up her sick baby and so without dinner or anytime to change we raced over to my son’s baseball game, got home late and got to bed late. And I was anticipated the same craziness today but with band practice instead of baseball and PE in the morning. Crazy, right?

Instead, I am just headed to sleep and I get a “Mom!” from my son. Unusual and never good, I get in there and I will not gross you out but I had a lot of cleaning up to do. He was suddenly sick. He is hardly ever sick but he had saved up. He must have eaten something awful from the canteen at baseball. It cleared his entire digestive system. Water wouldn’t stay down. All night long it was clean up, try to sleep, awoken up in a couple hours to clean up and nurse the boy.

I made an executive decision and texted to cancel PE and the babysitting today. And I slept a few hours before the next bout. And here we are. Sleep deprived but at least able to sleep a couple hours at a time between nursing the gut along toward healing and cleaning. Lord help us moms!

So “oh what a night” is explained. Next explains the choice.

My son had, in the morning when he was supposed to be doing school and up to now has been, decided to play hooky and watch a Netflix movie that happened to be a horror flick. What possessed him, I know not, but I believe it opened a door to an evil spirit to come in. He confessed to me at night when everything that could go wrong n in a day did go wrong. Because as soon as he had finished that movie around noon, the baby who had been well was suddenly sick, the game went poorly and my son played like he had never played a game in his life, my husband was very aggitated and grumpy, my daughter was an emotional wreck, I was suddenly overwhelmed and tired, and then the illness.

Upon seeing the demonic activity allowed in and hearing the confession, we joined hands and rebuked the demon in Jesus’ powerful name and Zac rede dictated his life to Jesus and was baptized in the Holy Spirit and rejected his choice and evil that was pressing on him. I prayed over the house and loudly commanded the evil to leave in Jesus’ name and pleaded God’s Holy Spirit to live here and bring us the fruits of the Spirit in abundance to reside here.

He did. All was immediately made right. My daughter had peace and fell into a deep, restful sleep she stayed n in through the night’s ups and downs. My husband relaxed and had peace and even joy. I received energy and peace. Zac had peace even though he had to undergo a reminder purging of his system. And the baby is not here today but is doing better.

The devil will come in any way he can and is allowed- be it horror movies, pornography, personal choices of pride, sexual misconduct, gluttony, idolatry, whatever it is- even to Christian homes. He must be sent packing by the authority we have with the Holy Spirit. And we must make it right by humbly choosing Jesus again. Please learn this lesson with us. Be encouraged that we have the cure through the Great Physician Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. Praise God!!❤❤❤

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