The Denial Dance

There is a dance we do. We dance around the truth, we dumb it down and skew it a bit to soften it’s harshness. We change it just a tad to decrease guilt. We make it sound just a little better to put a positive spin on a bad decision. We cover it up from those who may shed their truth on it or we think may be judging us. We pussy foot around the harsh edges to seem sweeter. We cajole and distract from this truth if folks get too close. Some of this is for our protection but more is for our ego. We want to do bad things but want to hide that we do bad things from other people, assuming they are not doing bad things or at least the same bad things. We dance. It is a weird, would by ugly dance that does not benefit the dancers. I prefer ugly truth, I prefer to be real. I screw up a lot. I do fun, clean things I love to do. I sometimes do some things I should not do. I ask God’s forgiveness for these and move on trying not to do them again. And I love it when people are real like that. You can work with that. You can work with real. Impossible let to fight someone’s powerful ego entrenched with the denial dance. There is no reason there. There is no reality, just a devised fluff. Until denial is decided against and humbleness is deemed in charge, there is no hope of a cure. But once the music is over and denial is rejected as reality and humbleness is allowed to rule, God can step in allowed cure the person. God will not dance with denial. He will bless humility of spirit though and lead a dance that lasts forever full of love.

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