Awake and Praying

Thr Lord woke me up twice now in the middle of the night to pray. I am not sure who needed prayer, so I prayed for everyone. I believe we are intercessors as part of our call to missions. Each of us has this mandate. We obey and then we can rest. I guess I was on night watch these nights and I am thankful for it. I never mind talking to the Lord or helping someone by praying for them. If b it was you who needed it, my friend, prayers were made for you and please know that God made and loves you very much! He’s got the whole world and you in His hands.😄❤

That’s it, I am Angry and I am Praying

It takes a lot to anger me. God has worked hard to “enhance my calm” and build up my peace and joy and I have always been laid back. When I get angry, however, it is a fire, a hurricane and fire. I get angry when defenseless people are wronged or bullied, when God is disrespected, when His people are targeted and attacked, and when one of our children is lost. One of them is, it became very clear to me last night upon seeing her after 6 months of blowing us off. So now it is very obvious to me that it is a spiritual matter and there is a fight on for her soul. And this pissed me off. The enemy is attacking my family and that does not fly with me! I am mad. And I will be fighting now until this wrong is made right. I will not allow my kids to be lost and suffer an eternity long. I will fight for her in the most powerful way there is. I am going to pray. Dilligently. I will reach out in love every chance I can but I will pray. Hard. Long. Diligently. I will pray while I quilt. I will fast. I will pray for her deceived soul. Never make me angry or I will pray tirelessly. I will call on the awesome and powerful God of the universe for help. I, in all my might, can only do so much. But allmighty God can do any and everything and can conquer spiritual forces. He is my strength.