Tea Party

Not the political group, but a traditional tea party with actual tea (and alternate coffee) is what we are having this afternoon. It is so cool to have a tea party, just enjoying each other’s company, having tea and homemade scones. Sound boring? I used to think so. Now, I realize it is what life is about. Doing something for someone else and spending time with them, just living on them. Fellowship, service. It is beautiful. Doesn’t have to be a huge production (ours is just another family), just a meaningful one. 😄❤

The Joy of a Party

Wanna lift? Go to a party of a few close friends. No one is throwing one? Make your own. Invent a reason and have fun with it.

We had a birthday party for Kat today and it was so fun. The kids played and we moms got to talk and it was lovely, like a vacation.

Never underestimate the power and happiness of getting outside of yourself and enjoying the thoughts and ideas and company of others. It is so encouraging ad hopeful, yielding an invaluable break from normal life into a bit of special. God calls this fellowship. 😄❤

Vacation Bible School

Our church is too tiny to have a VBS program. So we were very blessed to receive an invitation rom friends to go to theirs. So happy about that! My kids went and loved it very much. I highly recommend having your kids and/or grandkids go to VBS (Vacation Bible School) this summer. It is great for our kids to get together with other kids and learn more about the Bible together and have fun and fellowship. Matters so much. We are not made in a vacuum but are built to socialize and fellowship together. 😄❤

Sweet Fellowship

My dear friends and Christian mentors/parents Char and Pete were in town and I hadn’t seen them for a couple years. And I saw them last night!! We visited together at Old Town where Steve and Kevin were filling in for our old band for a gig. So they could dance and we visited also and it was a beautiful time.

I got to thinking, as is my habit, and I thought how precious fellowship is and how fellowship is not a prescription production in a church building but can happen anywhere anytime people get together who love Jesus and talk about Him and encourage each other. What a beautiful thing!! Praise God and I thank Him for such friends!!😄❤