My Friend Pure Glory

Many of you follow my friend Pure Glory on WordPress. I have to tell you a confession. When I first started reading those blessed words, I wondered at the sincerity because who is so positive all the time? And as the Spirit in me told me, it is a divine gift and the positive words are their contribution to the work of the kingdom of God.

I am thankful and want to thank Pure Glory for the truth encouragement. Love your work and it is appreciated. Please keep writing! Thank you for working for the Lord and encouraging me as well as many others!😄❤

The Joy of a Party

Wanna lift? Go to a party of a few close friends. No one is throwing one? Make your own. Invent a reason and have fun with it.

We had a birthday party for Kat today and it was so fun. The kids played and we moms got to talk and it was lovely, like a vacation.

Never underestimate the power and happiness of getting outside of yourself and enjoying the thoughts and ideas and company of others. It is so encouraging ad hopeful, yielding an invaluable break from normal life into a bit of special. God calls this fellowship. 😄❤

A Day of Catching Up

Today, I caught up with good friends, my dear semi-local friend and my best friend from 15 hours away. Both good. I also caught up on caulking and finished painting. I caught up on who I am praying for in our homeschool group and got the list of birthdays. I caught up with our band brother who had surgery and a gig lead. I caught up to schedule 3 consults for next week. I caught up on individual time with each family member today. It is amazing how much I can catch up in 1 day. All good. Left me exhausted by the end of it and I bid you a fair night’s sleep, immaculate dreams and a blessed day tomorrow. 😄❤😴

Humbly Blessed with New Friends

I have been taking my daughter to a kids Bible study for about a month now on Wednesdays. The church we go to on Sundays has nothing for kids on Wednesdays because it is too small, I guess. So, at this new church we met a young college lady and her little sister and tonight also their mom, who was ill last week. They recently moved here from Iowa and don’t know anyone. And we fell in like family. I love them and my daughter and her young on are best of friends already. It is refreshing. And I just wanted to publicly thank the Lord for a new local friend for me and especially Kathleen. It is an answer to prayer and I acknowledge that and am thankful.😄❤