Something About the Night

There’s something about the night

About being alone in a bed

That throws loneliness at your feet

And drowns the laughter.

There is something about the night

Alone and cold and stark

That I should be happy about

But it still always feels a struggle.

There is something about the night

That weighs heavy on my heart

Of feeling unloved, unwanted

Of cuddling up alone.

But with God, there is no night.

He lights it with His calm.

The day is always there with Him

The night must flee it’s course.

So I cling to God in the night.

He pampers my soul and spirit.

The flesh may always burn with want

But my soul and spirit are free

Of the great pain of the night.

So to God I put all my trust.

And I will choose to listen

To the voice of peace and reason

And God will bring me comfort.❤

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