Attacked Online

In a technology world, we get lovely sickos who use that technology to attack people in the privacy and cover of their own homes in complete safety and security. They live for preying on people. Of course if you do not use technology, you are protected but probably less able to function as time goes on. And many people have had identity isses and scammers or hackers or credit card thieves attack them or try something somehow. And that is horrible. Thieves have a curse on them. It is very terrible to take away what someone has worked hard for. But there are other types of wrongs done online on social media networks all the time. It is the glorification of ourselves and degrading other people. This is also stealing, stealing someone’s right to be as much of a child of God as you are. Not o E person, regardless of status, is any more important than any other person in existence. Every one of us makes mistakes, but every one of us is just as able to bow humbly before God and approach His throne directly in prayer. Every single person. When we use our words carelessly, we are in grave danger of Speaking against God and His creation. He pours a little of His likeness into each of us. We are all valuable. And when one of us is wrong, better to pray for God to help them ease back to the fold rather than attack them and create the potential of adding weight to their sin and matching that with your own. Just something to think about. 

Simplify Your Way to Freedom

Simple is better. I feel so free after cleaning out the closets. Anything that has not been touched in a year for us goes to people who may be able to use it or donated to charity or given to friends who would have need of it. The year thing works for us. It leaves more room in our tiny closeted rooms (builders really should consult moms for closet space). And there is a definite feeling of freedom and positive energy flow when you de-clutter. Why have things you don’t need or use? Yes, we never get rid of pictures and rarely dispose of books, but everything else needs to be functional or needs to go. I have moved twenty or so times (and hopefully never again) and you learn very quickly that less is better. Simple is also better when we look at social clutter. There is a lot of social clutter about and entertainment clutter, for that matter. All of it suffocates the soul just like physical stuff suffocates the body and mind. It is all to be decreased as the valuable things are set free to thrive. I would rather play games with my kids and cook dinner with my husband than sit and watch something that doesn’t matter at all. Simplify and be free! 🙂


In my heart, I believe I am someone who tries very hard to be good and do and say the right thing because I have been saved from death into life through Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection. I know the great amount of sin I am capable of and have been a part of, so I appreciate dearly the payment for my soul. I believe I am worthwhile and loved and important to God because He tells me that is true of me and everyone He made. He tells me that quite plainly in the Bible. From the unborn baby to the elder near death, it is true of us all. So, because of my appreciation and love back to God and His Son, I do my best to live in service to Him and others. Despite my best efforts, sometimes without really purposing to do so, I invariably serve myself instead. It is not wrong to live life to meet your needs or desires, as long as they do not wrong someone else or offend God by it, but when we try to do good and bad comes instead, I realize it sometimes too late. Sometimes it is quite unintentional and I do not even realize it until the offense has been made. Sometimes it was bad delivery of something good or sometimes the other person wasn’t ready to accept it because of something in their life. Most people have their own version of every incident or conversation. They hear from their mind and screen the words through its replays of past experiences. So, something supposed to encourage looks the opposite or a simple question looks like an accusation. I know I meant to help but it comes across the opposite. So now, when I pray, I ask the Lord for wisdom to say the right thing at the right time for the right reasons. I do not want to be misunderstood and kill my witness or relationship or whatever. I love deeply those few I let into my circle. Very few know how deeply I love, and I wish to be able to express that more for their sake and the Lord’s. I don’t want to be misunderstood. It hurts everyone. I purpose to be clear and accurate. I used to be very funny but clarity has become more of a focus to me because funny would hurt people sometimes and I don’t want to hurt anyone. So, though often I am still misunderstood because my mouth preceded my mind again, I always mean to help. I am actively working on this and just wanted to voice that.