Complete With Flaws

It is easy to be impressed with 30 seconds worth of super sexy momma on a commercial or an hour and a half worth of movie with photo shopped flawless super model mommas who do everything perfectly. It can easily make you wonder at your messy house and imperfect children and zits on your face and lumps on your tummy or extra beef in the behind and question your validity as a human who eats and isn’t perfect and isn’t sexy every minute of the day. The 5 second snippets of chatter before a church tea exposes perfect people with perfect children and I wonder why I have judgmental glances when my monkey like children attend, wondering where their perfect children always go while I have mine 24\7. And it dawned on me, or rather came to me in a revelation of sorts, that I am at peace and have joy and am perfectly complete with my flaws and all. My monkey children are happy and good, though with more available energy to use from not stressing them out with social dilemmas all day at school. And my husband seems happy with my cooking and content with my level of sexy. And my relationship with God has never been stronger and that fills me with such contentment that I can even see past facades to see the rest of the set. I see the background scenes and feel empathy for those really struggling with building it all together, despite not being able to eat or show emotions or flaws. I am free to be the momma God made me to be, the wife my husband needs and wants, the daughter my parents depend on now, the dog walker and house cleaner and doctor and chef and taxi service and grocery shopper and pianist and whatever else I need to be that day. I can do all these things through Christ’s strength. I know because I do it all the time. I am not perfect. I have a lot of flaw. However, through my flaws, God shines and complete the work I obediently strive to do. I work for the Lord and He blesses me every time. I am complete with flaws and that is a wonderful place to be.