Compliments Ahoy

My mom and dad raised me to not take much credence in physical appearance because it is just a shell and mask to the real soul and spirit of a person inside that does matter and can change from one moment to the next. That being said, they never complimented me on my looks. They criticized sometimes (rather ironic if it didn’t matter lol) but never complimented me. Most people in my life, men and women, we’re the same way. So, I figured it didn’t matter unless something was wrong. Also, I assumed I was very plain looking or ugly and that is just how it was. It was this way when I was size 6 and healthy or size 18 with a very difficult pregnancy. No one said anything good, only bad. (And the one guy who said the most and actually complimented me turna out was a liar and so none of thise words count at all. That is my background, which sets the stage for now. Now, I still do not care about my appearance and no longer cry at the criticisms because it truly does not matter, but I am feeling extremely healthy lately and have a glow (uv damage from the sun) about me and am fit and toned aunnnd feel so good. And people have been giving me compliments one after the other. Ironically, the scale has not changed numbers but I am two dress sizes smaller now. And my vitality is soaring. I have energy to spare and productivity hard to explain and even easier breathing and better focus. And to be truthful, my deepening relationship with Almighty God is the biggest reason for every good bit of it. All of it is from God and didn because of and for Him. I am still very plain, but I am happier and more joyful than I have ever been. And the compliments are all appreciated because it is proof that I am on the right health track and refocuses me on health. But I like it so much more when people tell me they can see God moving in me, growing me, improving me. I love it when He gets the glory. Any good I am or do is from Him.❤❤❤

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