The Right Question

There is so much talk that everything is good as long as it is what you believe and want and it makes you happy and doesn’t hurt anyone. I believe that is the answer to the wrong question. I believe what is my right and wrong is a fool’s game because we all have such differing experiences and interpretation. I believe we have to always go back to the truth. The only truth I know of anymore is God’s Word, the Bible. It has never been disproven ever. No other book can boast of that. And it was written by God through people, except the 10 Commandments, which God wrote Himself. I believe inventing and living off your own truth is short-sighted and egotistical at best and extremely and eternally dangerous at worst. The question is not what is ok. That is the wrong question. What really matters is what secures my eternal future and helps those around me and what will God allow me to carry into eternity? And that means also what will please God? Apart from the Bible, I am not sure how you would know that. There is an eternity that we will meet sooner than you think which should excite you if you are close to God obeying His Word (which involves heavily reading the Bible and praying) and should terrify you if you aren’t. I believe that motivates behavior in a completely different way when you ask the right question. Many things are ok, but are they eternally beneficial and pleasing to God? That is the correct question to focus all your energy upon. ❤

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